Published: September 30, 2024

Climate Change Impact on Panjshir Basin

1-18 Sediqullah Reshteen, Abdul Ghias Safi

Spatial Analysis of the Challenges of Informal Settlements Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS): A Case Study of the Thirteenth District, Kabul

19-42 Ali Kaihan Stanikzai, Mohammad Seddiq Sadeq, Mohammad Kamil Halimee

Investigating the Treatment of Gastric Cancer by Accelerated Particle Energy in Nuclear Accelerators

43-56 Noor Mohammad Azizi, Zaman Mohammadi

Green Spaces and Urban Forest’s Role in Mitigating Air Pollution in Kabul City: A Review

57-71 لطف الله صافی

Review of Nonstationary and Nonlinear Heating of a Spherical Body Rotating in a Viscous Fluid with a Constant Angular Velocity

73-91 Sayed Sarwar Ebtekar

Calculation of the Total Energy of the Neutron Star Core in the Process of Transformation into Strange Quark Matter

93-109 Sayed Habibullah Hashimi

Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Thermal Regime and Discharge in Helmand River Basin

111-133 Asadullah Rahmatzai, Fazalhaq Hassanzay

Investigating the Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Waves on Human Tissues and Their Protection Methods

135-149 Zaman Mohammadi

Assessing the adverse effects of food coloring additives, particularly in (dairy and meat products)

151-167 Mohammad Asif Noori

A Study of Common Diagnostic Methods for Determining Antibiotic Residues in Milk

169-188 Nasir Ahmad Sarwary