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This research examines the amount of energy released while converting the core of a neutron star into strange quark matter. This process plays a significant role in understanding dense matter's physics and neutron stars' behavior. The research method is library-based, utilizing reputable articles and books in nuclear physics and astrophysics. The study's findings indicate that a considerable amount of energy is released in this process, which can influence the evolution of stars and lead to phenomena such as the formation of quark stars. The importance of this research lies in providing new insights into the structure of dense matter and how it changes under extreme pressure. In conclusion, it is found that this process can be one of the key factors in gaining a more precise understanding of the evolution and death of neutron stars, serving as an important indicator in astrophysical studies.


Bag Constant (B) Bag Model Linear Confinement Potential Kinetic Energy Total Energy

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How to Cite
Hashimi, S. H. (2024). Calculation of the Total Energy of the Neutron Star Core in the Process of Transformation into Strange Quark Matter. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 7(2), 93–109.


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