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Water is a vital necessity for the lives of all living beings, and the deterioration of water resources poses serious threats to the lives of all living organisms. In recent decades, climate change and rapid population growth in Afghanistan, especially in large cities, have led to a shortage of clean water resources and the depletion of water resources in some areas. This paper provides a brief overview of the Panjshir river basin and collects several years of relevant data on the impact of climate change, especially temperature and precipitation, on water resources, and analyzes them using various statistical and analytical methods. At the end of the paper, specific conclusions are drawn and the problems and challenges caused by climate change in the Panjshir river basin are highlighted, and appropriate solutions are proposed.


Climate Change River Flow Precipitation Temperature and Pajsher Basin

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How to Cite
Reshteen, S., & Safi, A. G. (2024). Climate Change Impact on Panjshir Basin. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 7(2), 1–18.


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