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The moment of inertia of a metal cylinder with internal and external radii ,  has been researched and experienced in various experimental methods such as physical pendulum, torsional pendulum, three-piece pendulum, rolling on an inclined surface, etching machine and falling rotating object under tension. The results of each are compared with the theoretical result. Considering the experimental error, which includes errors in measuring the mass, time and dimensions, it is observed that pendulum vibration methods or methods give better results than other methods. Pendulum systems in general and the torsional pendulum method in particular create a greater correspondence between theory and experience and are considered as a safer method for obtaining the moment of rotation of the body (cylinder). The importance of this research is, firstly, in examining different experimental methods to receive the moment of rotational inertia, and secondly, in examining an object that can avoid scattering and considering different objects.


Tri-Filar Pendulum Torsional Pendulum Experimental Methods Rotational Atomic Moment ; Vibrating Period Falling Under Tension

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How to Cite
Khawari, R. A. (2025). Comparison of Experimental Methods for Determining the Rotational Moment of a Rigid Body. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(1), 101–113.


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