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Pregnancy is a stage during which animals face various challenges. One of these challenges is anemia during pregnancy. The amount of hemoglobin per 100 ml of blood is normally between 8-15 grams. Hemoglobin acts as a pigment for the respiratory system and also functions as an internal buffer system in the blood. The essential materials used to determine hemoglobin in this study are pregnant cows and blood samples. The cows were divided into three groups based on their age. The mean levels of hemoglobin in the three groups showed variable results based on the age of the animal. These results indicated a lower decrease in hemoglobin levels in the younger cows, but the decline was more significant in older cows. Therefore, we conclude that the decrease in hemoglobin levels in pregnant cows is directly related to the age of the animal.
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Kaneko JJ. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. 4th Edition, Academic Press, San Diego, New York, 1989; P 186
Ogawa E, Kobayashi K, Yoshiura N and Mukai J. Bovine postparturient hemoglobinemia: hypophosphatemia and metabolic disorder in red blood cells. Am J Vet Res. 1987; 48:1300–1303.
Phillis WJ. Veterinary Physiology. Academic press United Kingdom. 1976, Pp 186 – 190.
Costanzo B and Linda S. Physiology. Hagerstwon, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2007; Pp 138 – 167.
Weed RI, Reed CF. and Berg G. "Is hemoglobin an essential structural component of human erythrocyte membrane”. 1963; 42 (4): 581–88.
Aiello ES. and Asa M. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 8thEd. Merck and co, INC white house station NJUSA. 1998; Pp 8 – 11.
Duncan JR. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. 3rd Ed. United State of America. 1994; Pp 12-13.
Sodikoff C. Laboratory Profiles of Small Animal Disease. 2nd Ed. Mosby-Year book. INC. 1995; P 54.
Padmanaban P. and Toora B. "Hemoglobin: Emerging marker in stable coronary artery disease". Chronicles of Young Scientists. 2011;2 (2): 109.
Ferrari M, Binzoni T. and Quaresma V. "Oxidative metabolism in muscle". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 1997;352 (1354): 677–83.
Rajinder BW. Incident of Iron Deficiency in crossbreeding cattle. The Indian journal of Animal Science. 2010; 80 (10): 1037- 40.
Blood DC. and Henderson JA. Veterinary Medicine. 2nded. Vail-Ballou press, INC. United State of America. 1974; Pp 230
Eckert RDR and George A. Animal Physiology. 3rd Ed. W.H Freeman and Company New York. 1988; P 478.
Perutz MF. "Structure of haemoglobin". Brookhaven Symposia in Biology. 1960; 13: 165–83.