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In today’s world, the implementation of quality assurance management systems in food processing is recognized as a fundamental necessity in various societies. The diversity and wide range of food items require the establishment of advanced global quality management systems, such as HACCP, across all relevant stages to ensure comprehensive quality assurance. Providing and distributing safe and nutritious food to preserve public health is a primary goal of global organizations like ISO, WHO, and FDA, which have made extensive efforts over the past decade to develop and expand related documents and protocols. In food processing factories where a significant volume of food preparation and cooking occurs, utilizing modern control systems to reduce existing risks is essential. This article emphasizes the importance of safety and integrated management while examining the process of implementing the HACCP quality management system and its advantages from various perspectives in food processing centers and factories. HACCP is a comprehensive approach employed in the food industry to evaluate and control processes, focusing on identifying and preventing microbiological, physical, and chemical hazards that may occur at any stage of the food supply chain, production, or storage. Developing these policies in different societies can elevate production standards and address challenges related to food exportation. These standards are highly comprehensive and are currently accepted and required by relevant organizations and countries worldwide.
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- Adikari, A. M. N. T., Rizana, M. F., & Amarasekara, T. P. (2016). Food safety practices in a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka. Procedia food science, 6, 65-67.
- Aslı, U., Mustafa Volkan, Y., & Funda Pınar, Ç. (2016). Food Safety – Problems and Solutions. In M. Hussaini Anthony (Ed.), Significance, Prevention and Control of Food Related Diseases (pp. Ch. 1). IntechOpen.
- Bae, H. J., & Park, H. J. (2011). Microbiological hazard analysis of ready-to-eat sandwiches and quality improvement effect by implementing HACCP. Korean journal of food and cookery science, 27(4), 55-65.
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- Cenci-Goga, B. T., Ortenzi, R., Bartocci, E., De Oliveira, A. C., Clementi, F., & Vizzani, A. (2005). Effect of the implementation of HACCP on the microbiological quality of meals at a university restaurant. Foodbourne Pathogens & Disease, 2(2), 138-145.
- Dobson, J. (1995). Quality systems. For European masters degree in food studies.
- Easter, M. C., Mortimore, S. E., & Sperber, W. H. (1994). The role of HACCP in the management of food safety and quality. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 47(2), 42-43.
- Ehiri, J. E., & Morris, G. P. (1994). Food safety control strategies: A critical review of traditional approaches. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 4(4), 254-263.
- Ehiri, J. E., Morris, G. P., & McEwen, J. (1995). Implementation of HACCP in food businesses: the way ahead. Food Control, 6(6), 341-345.
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- Gaaloul, I., Riabi, S., & Ghorbel, R. E. (2011). Implementation of ISO 22000 in cereal food industry “SMID” in Tunisia. Food Control, 22(1), 59-66.
- Green, R. M. and K. Kane (2014). "The effective enforcement of HACCP based food safety management systems in the UK." Food control 37: 257-262
- Griffith, C. J., & Worsfold, D. (1994). Application of HACCP to food preparation practices in domestic kitchens. Food Control, 5(3), 200-204.
- Hulebak, K. L. and W. Schlosser (2002). "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) History and Conceptual Overview." Risk Analysis 22(3): 547-552.
- Khalid, S. M. N. (2015). How and why to implement HACCP in food businesses in developing countries? Suggestions to Afghan Government and Private Sector. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 3(6), 459-465.
- Kibret, M., & Abera, B. (2012). The sanitary conditions of food service establishments and food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers in bahir dar town. Ethiop J Health Sci, 22(1), 27-35.
- Kokkinakis, E. N., Fragkiadakis, G. A., Ioakeimidi, S. H., Giankoulof, I. B., & Kokkinaki, A. N. (2008). Microbiological quality of ice cream after HACCP implementation: a factory case study. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 26(5), 383-391.
- Maldonado, E., S. Henson, J. Caswell, L. Leos, P. Martinez, G. Aranda and J. Cadena (2005). "Cost–benefit analysis of HACCP implementation in the Mexican meat industry." Food control 16(4): 375-381
- Mauropoulos, A. A., & Arvanitoyannis, I. S. (1999). Implementation of hazard analysis critical control point to Feta and Manouri cheese production lines. Food Control, 10(3), 213-219.
- Mortimore, S., & Wallace, C. (2013). HACCP: A practical approach. Springer Science & Business Media.
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- Mortimore, S., Wallace, C., & Cassianos, C. (2001). Haccp (No. TS156 M88). Ames, IA: Blackwell Science.
- Moy, G., F. Käferstein and Y. Motarjemi (1994). "Application of HACCP to food manufacturing: some considerations on harmonization through training." Food Control 5(3): 131-139.
- Osimani, A., L. Aquilanti, V. Babini, S. Tavoletti and F. Clementi (2011). "An eight-year report on the implementation of HACCP in a university canteen: impact on the microbiological quality of meals." International Journal of Environmental Health Research 21(2): 120-132.
- Rodrigues, K. L., J. A. Silva, J. A. G. J. F. S. Aleixo and Technology (2012). "Effect of the implementation of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) prerequisite program in an institutional foodservice unit in Southern Brazil." 32(1): 196-200.
- Soriano, J., H. Rico, J. Molto and J. Manes (2000). "Microbial evaluation of Spanish potato omelette and cooked meat samples in University restaurants." Journal of food protection 63(9): 1273-1276.
- Wandolo, M. A., D. Ndiritu, R. Khayiya, B. W. J. I. J. o. S. R. Mugendi and Management (2018). "Barriers to the Implementation of Food Safety and Hygiene Principles (HACCP) in TVET and University Hospitality Schools in Kenya." 6(07).
- WHO (1993). Training considerations for the application of the hazard analysis critical control point system to food processing and manufacturing.
- WHO (2023). Estimating the burden of foodborne diseases. Retrieved 12/Oct/2023 from
Adikari, A. M. N. T., Rizana, M. F., & Amarasekara, T. P. (2016). Food safety practices in a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka. Procedia food science, 6, 65-67.
Aslı, U., Mustafa Volkan, Y., & Funda Pınar, Ç. (2016). Food Safety – Problems and Solutions. In M. Hussaini Anthony (Ed.), Significance, Prevention and Control of Food Related Diseases (pp. Ch. 1). IntechOpen.
Bae, H. J., & Park, H. J. (2011). Microbiological hazard analysis of ready-to-eat sandwiches and quality improvement effect by implementing HACCP. Korean journal of food and cookery science, 27(4), 55-65.
Bryan, F. L. (1990). Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) systems for retail food and restaurant operations. Journal of food protection, 53(11), 978-983.
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) (2008). "Guidelines for the validation of food safety control measures. Rome: FAO/WHO. CAC/GL 69.
Cenci-Goga, B. T., Ortenzi, R., Bartocci, E., De Oliveira, A. C., Clementi, F., & Vizzani, A. (2005). Effect of the implementation of HACCP on the microbiological quality of meals at a university restaurant. Foodbourne Pathogens & Disease, 2(2), 138-145.
Dobson, J. (1995). Quality systems. For European masters degree in food studies.
Easter, M. C., Mortimore, S. E., & Sperber, W. H. (1994). The role of HACCP in the management of food safety and quality. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 47(2), 42-43.
Ehiri, J. E., & Morris, G. P. (1994). Food safety control strategies: A critical review of traditional approaches. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 4(4), 254-263.
Ehiri, J. E., Morris, G. P., & McEwen, J. (1995). Implementation of HACCP in food businesses: the way ahead. Food Control, 6(6), 341-345.
Fang, T. J., Wei, Q. K., Liao, C. W., Hung, M. J., & Wang, T. H. (2003). Microbiological quality of 18 C ready-to-eat food products sold in Taiwan. International journal of food microbiology, 80(3), 241-250.
Gaaloul, I., Riabi, S., & Ghorbel, R. E. (2011). Implementation of ISO 22000 in cereal food industry “SMID” in Tunisia. Food Control, 22(1), 59-66.
Green, R. M. and K. Kane (2014). "The effective enforcement of HACCP based food safety management systems in the UK." Food control 37: 257-262
Griffith, C. J., & Worsfold, D. (1994). Application of HACCP to food preparation practices in domestic kitchens. Food Control, 5(3), 200-204.
Hulebak, K. L. and W. Schlosser (2002). "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) History and Conceptual Overview." Risk Analysis 22(3): 547-552.
Khalid, S. M. N. (2015). How and why to implement HACCP in food businesses in developing countries? Suggestions to Afghan Government and Private Sector. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 3(6), 459-465.
Kibret, M., & Abera, B. (2012). The sanitary conditions of food service establishments and food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers in bahir dar town. Ethiop J Health Sci, 22(1), 27-35.
Kokkinakis, E. N., Fragkiadakis, G. A., Ioakeimidi, S. H., Giankoulof, I. B., & Kokkinaki, A. N. (2008). Microbiological quality of ice cream after HACCP implementation: a factory case study. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 26(5), 383-391.
Maldonado, E., S. Henson, J. Caswell, L. Leos, P. Martinez, G. Aranda and J. Cadena (2005). "Cost–benefit analysis of HACCP implementation in the Mexican meat industry." Food control 16(4): 375-381
Mauropoulos, A. A., & Arvanitoyannis, I. S. (1999). Implementation of hazard analysis critical control point to Feta and Manouri cheese production lines. Food Control, 10(3), 213-219.
Mortimore, S., & Wallace, C. (2013). HACCP: A practical approach. Springer Science & Business Media.
Mortimore, S., C. Wallace and C. A. Cassianos (1384). HACCP Foundation and Principles. Mashhad, Jahane farda Publication.
Mortimore, S., Wallace, C., & Cassianos, C. (2001). Haccp (No. TS156 M88). Ames, IA: Blackwell Science.
Moy, G., F. Käferstein and Y. Motarjemi (1994). "Application of HACCP to food manufacturing: some considerations on harmonization through training." Food Control 5(3): 131-139.
Osimani, A., L. Aquilanti, V. Babini, S. Tavoletti and F. Clementi (2011). "An eight-year report on the implementation of HACCP in a university canteen: impact on the microbiological quality of meals." International Journal of Environmental Health Research 21(2): 120-132.
Rodrigues, K. L., J. A. Silva, J. A. G. J. F. S. Aleixo and Technology (2012). "Effect of the implementation of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) prerequisite program in an institutional foodservice unit in Southern Brazil." 32(1): 196-200.
Soriano, J., H. Rico, J. Molto and J. Manes (2000). "Microbial evaluation of Spanish potato omelette and cooked meat samples in University restaurants." Journal of food protection 63(9): 1273-1276.
Wandolo, M. A., D. Ndiritu, R. Khayiya, B. W. J. I. J. o. S. R. Mugendi and Management (2018). "Barriers to the Implementation of Food Safety and Hygiene Principles (HACCP) in TVET and University Hospitality Schools in Kenya." 6(07).
WHO (1993). Training considerations for the application of the hazard analysis critical control point system to food processing and manufacturing.
WHO (2023). Estimating the burden of foodborne diseases. Retrieved 12/Oct/2023 from