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Grapes are the largest agricultural product of Afghanistan. Grapes contain 79% water, 14% different sugars, mineral salts and a set of beneficial elements and compounds. Grapes have vitamins A, B, C, D. (Roshan et al.) The waste of agricultural products is one of the serious challenges of most countries, especially developing countries. This article, which has been compiled using library documents and research articles, has investigated the methods of reducing waste after harvest of grapes, which plays an important role in reducing waste after harvest, maintaining quality, creating employment, and providing self-sufficiency. Fruits are among the most important products that play an important role in providing human nutrition. These types of products are susceptible to spoilage due to having a lot of water, and during the post-harvest period, a major part of them (between 5 and 50%) is destroyed. Harvesting operations, moving the product in the field, carrying and transporting have a large role in post-harvest rotting and losses in fruits. Mechanical damage to the product during harvesting and after, physiological and environmental factors and contamination by microbial and biological agents are the most important causes of post-harvest losses in fruits and vegetables. In order to reduce the waste after harvesting of grapes, various strategies can be used, such as proper nutrition and agricultural operations before harvesting, appropriate operations during harvesting and appropriate operations after harvesting, such as initial cooling and removing heat from the field, using clean and suitable equipment, suitable packaging. It was considered to store and transfer to the market.
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احمدپور، ا.، & نسبپور، م. (1390). بررسی و تعیین اثرات زمان برداشت و شرایط نگهداری بر عمر انبارداری پرتقال والنسیا. هفتمین کنگره علوم باغبانی ایران، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، 2233-2236.
الهامیراد، ا. (بیتا). فرآوری میوهها. نشر دانشکده، 180-184.
بانک جهانی. (1390). درک جندر در زنجیره ارزش زراعتی (شماره: 62323). افغانستان، 27.
جارچلو، ه. م.، & قابوس، س. ح. ح. (1396). ایمنی و نیازهای تکنولوژیکی و فیزیولوژیکی پس از برداشت انگور. تهران، ایران، 3-5.
راحمی، م. (1384). فیزیولوژی پس از برداشت (ترجمه). انتشارات دانشگاه شیراز، 460.
عزیزی، م. (بیتا). کاهش ضایعات محصولات باغی در دوره پس از برداشت. گروه باغبانی، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه فردوس مشهد، 484-486.
قاسـمی، م. ط.، & پاسبان اسلام، ب. (1395). روشهای کاهش ضایعات محصولات کشاورزی. سازمان جهاد کشاورزی آذربایجان شرقی، 20-25.
رسولی، و.، کرمی، ف.، & ایمانی، ع. (1401). فیزیولوژی و تکنولوژی پس از برداشت میوهها. موسسه تحقیقات باغبانی کرج، 4-28.
رشونده، م. ن.، رسولی، و.، & کاشانیزاده، س. (1395). بررسی عوامل موثر بر ضایعات پس از برداشت محصول انگور در استان قزوین. دانشگاه بوعلی سینا، 515-517.
روشن، ر.، & قادر، ف. م. (بیتا). تولید شیره انگور به روش صنعتی. مرکز آموزش و تحقیقات کاربردی آذربایجان، 13.
سازمان ملی استاندارد ایران. (1392). کنسانتره و آب میوه: معیار مصرف انرژی در فرآیند تولید (چاپ 1)، 6.
سند ملی و راهبردی تحول امنیت غذایی 1401-1410. (1400). نشر آموزش کشاورزی، 20-26.
گلشن تفتی، ا. ف. (1396). کاهش ضایعات پس از برداشت در میوهها و سبزیها. نشر آموزش کشاورزی، 6-12.
مفتونآزاد، ن. (1398). مدیریت پس از برداشت ضایعات انگور. سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی، شیراز، ایران، 20-25.
نجاتیان، م. ع. (1392). مقایسه تحمل سرما در برخی ارقام انگور ایران و اروپا. تولید و فرآوری محصولات زراعی و باغی، 3(7)، 157-171.
Akbulut, M., & Bilgicli, N. (2010). Effects of different pekmez (fruit molasses) types used as a natural sugar source on the batter rheology and physical properties of cakes. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 33(2), 272–286.
Alpaslan, M., & Hayta, M. (2002). Rheological and sensory properties of pekmez (grape molasses/tahin) (sesame paste blends). Journal of Food Engineering, 89–93.
Ashrae, H. (1986). Handbook, irrigation system and applications. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
Batu, A. (2005). Production of liquid and white solid pekmez in Turkey. Journal of Food Quality, 417–427.
Benitez, E., & Lozano, E. (2006). Influence of the soluble solids on the zeta potential of a cloudy apple juice. Latin American Applied Research, 163–168.
Benitez, E., Genovese, D., & Lozano, E. (2006). Effect of pH and ionic strength on apple juice turbidity: Application of the extended DLVO theory. Food Hydrocolloids, 100–109.
Chen, S. H., Zhang, M., & Wang, S. H. (2009). Physiological and quality responses of Chinese ‘Suli’ pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd) to 1-MCP vacuum infiltration treatment. Journal of Food Science, 1317–1322.
Clifford, A., Hall, I., & Zhao, B. (2008). Composition and antioxidant activity of raisin extracts obtained from various solvents. Journal of Food Chemistry, 108(3), 511–518.
Dzheneev, S. Y., & Ivanchenko, V. I. (1991). Reducing grape losses during storage and transport. Sadovodstvo-I-Vinogradarstvo, 15–19.
Hansen, R. (2004). "Are we now going to drink raisin milk?" FSTA, 87–91.
Heldman, K. D. (1981). Food process engineering (2nd ed., Chap. 5, pp. 231–239). AVI Publishing Co.
Hsu, C., Heatherbell, A., & Yorgey, M. (1989). Effects of fruit storage and processing on clarity, proteins, and stability of Granny Smith apple juice. Journal of Food Science, 660–662.
Kim, Y., Hertzler, S. T., Byrne, H. K., & Mattern, C. O. (2008). Raisins are a low- to moderate-glycemic index food with a correspondingly low insulin index. Journal of Nutrition Research, 28(5), 304–308.
Kwang-Sup, Y., Hong, H., Bae, D., Kim, S., & Kim, S. (2004). Effective clarifying process of reconstituted apple juice using membrane filtration with filter-aid pre-treatment. Journal of Membrane Science, 228(1–2), 79–186.
Lee, S., & Kader, A. (2000). Preharvest and postharvest factors influencing vitamin C content of horticultural crops. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 20, 207–220.
Li, W. X., Chen, Y. T., Y., D., & Jin, G. (2001). Study on harvest maturity of kiwifruit for wine. China South Fruit, 38–56.
Maskan, M. (2006). Production of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice concentrate by various heating methods: Colour degradation and kinetics. Journal of Food Engineering, 218–224.
Onsekizoglu, P., Savas, B. K., & Jale, A. M. (2010). Clarification and concentration of apple juice using membrane processes: A comparative quality assessment. Journal of Membrane Science, 160–165.
Oszmianski, J., & Wojdylo, A. (2007). Effects of various clarification treatments on phenolic compounds and color of apple juice. European Food Research and Technology, 224, 755–762.
Sengul, M., Fatih, E. M., & Sengul, M. (2005). Rheological, physical, and chemical characteristics of mulberry pekmez. Food Control, 73–76.
Simsek, A., & Artik, N. (2004). Detection of raisin concentrates (Pekmez) adulteration by regression analysis method. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 155–163.
Sizer, C. E., Waugh, P. L., Edstam, S., & Ackermann, P. (1988). Maintaining flavor and nutrient quality of aseptic orange juice. Food Technology, 42–50.
Tosun, I., & Sule Ustun, N. (2003). Non-enzymic browning during storage of white hard grape pekmez (Zile Pekmezi). Food Chemistry, 441–443.