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This research aimed to investigate the effects of varying levels of metabolizable energy and copper-methionine supplementation in feed on the performance of laying hens. A total of 144 Nick Chick leghorn laying hens were utilized in a 3×3 factorial experiment within a completely randomized design (CRD). The study included 9 treatments, each with 4 replications and 4 hens per replication. Data obtained from the experiment were analyzed using SAS software version 9.1. The findings indicate that copper-methionine supplementation can be used to enhance chicken performance when high-energy feeds are employed in the management of laying hen flocks. Energy is the primary factor determining feed intake in birds and, in adult laying hens, serves as the key determinant of egg production levels. The results revealed that throughout the experimental period, the different levels of metabolizable energy and copper-methionine supplementation significantly influenced (P<0.05) feed consumption and the feed conversion ratio. However, their effects on other performance traits were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The experimental treatments significantly affected (P<0.05) egg volume and feed conversion ratio, while their impact on other yield traits remained non-significant (P>0.05).
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- شماع، م.، ساعدی، ه و نیکپور تهرانی، ک. (1376). اصول تغذیه دام و پرندگان. چاپ ششم، انتشارات دانشگاه تهران.
- گلیان، ا. و سالار معینی، م. (1378). تغذیه پرندگان (ترجمه).چاپ دوم، انتشارات واحد آموزش و تحقیق، معاونت کشاورزی، سازمان اقتصاری کوثر.
- شاه نظري، م.، شيوازاد، م.، كامياب، ع.ر. و نيكخواه، ع. (1383). اثر مقادیر مختلف انرژي و پروتئين جيره بر عملكرد مرغان تخمگذار. مجله علوم کشاورزی ایران، جلد 35، شماره 2، صفحات 499-509.
- قیصری، ع.ع. و گلیان، ا. (1375). اثر مقادیر مختلف انرژي و پروتین خوراک دوره پرورش بر عملکرد مرغ¬هاي بومی در طی دوره تخمگذاري. مجله علوم کشاورزي ایران، جلد 27، شماره 2، صفحات 29-34.
- نوبخت، ع. (1395). اثرات اوره و مقدار انرژی خوراک بر عملکرد، صفات کیفی تخم مرغ و فراسنجه¬های خونی مرغ تخمگذار. مجله تحقیق¬های بعضوینی دامپزشکی، دوره 7، شماره 1، صفحات 11-23.
- مهدی¬زاده، س. و ابراهیمی محمودآباد، س.ر. (1395). اثر انرژی و پروتین خوراک بر عملکرد مرغهای تخمگذار بومی استان مازندران. مجله تحقیق و سازندگی. دوره 29، شماره 111، صفحات 107-120.
- شاه نظري، م.، شيوازاد، م.، كامياب، ع.ر. و نيكخواه، ع. (1383). اثر مقادیر مختلف انرژي و پروتئين جيره بر عملكرد مرغان تخمگذار. مجله علوم کشاورزی ایران، جلد 35، شماره 2، صفحات 499-509.
- Aoyagi, S., and Baker, D.H. (1993). Estimates of copper bioavailability from liver of different animal species and from feed ingredients derived from plants and animals. Poultry Science, 72: 1746-1755.
- Balevi, T., and Coskun, B. (2004). Effects of dietary copper on production and egg cholesterol content in laying hens. British Poultry Science, 45: 530-534.
- Balevi, T., and Coskun, B. (2004). Effects of dietary copper on production and egg cholesterol content in laying hens. British Poultry Science, 45: 530-534.
- Ding, Y., Bu, X., Zhang, N., Li, L., and Zou, X. (2016). Effects of EMtabolizable energy and crude protein levels on laying performance, egg quality and serum biochemical indices of Fengda-1 layers. Animal Nutrition. 2: 93-98.
- El-Hady, A., and Mohamed, A. (2019). Effect of dietary sources and levels of copper supplementation on growth performance, blood parameters and slaughter traits of broiler chickens. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 39: 897-912.
- El-Ghalid, O.A.H., El Ashry, G.M., Soliman, S.M., and Abd El-Hady, A.M. (2019). Effect of dietary sources and levels of copper supplementation on growth performance, blood parameters and slaughter traits of broiler chickens. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 39: 897-912.
- Eila, N., Lavvaf, A., and Farahvash, T. (2011). Effect of dietary energy levels on productivity and profitability of laying hen. Research Opinions in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 1: 662-665.
- Fakler, T.M., Rapp, C.J., Ward, T.L., and Johnson, A.B. (2002). The effects of organic sources of zinc, manganese, and copper on egg production and quality in laying hens. Proceeding of the American Association of Swine, 20: 158-163.
- Gunawardana, P., Roland Sr., D.A., and Bryant, M.M. (2008). Effect of energy and protein on performance, egg components, egg solids, egg quality, and profits in molted Hy-Line W-36 hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 17: 432-439.
- Kim, J.W., Kim, J.H., Shin, J.E., and Kil, D.Y. (2016). Relative bioavailability of copper in tribasic copper chloride to copper in copper sulfate for laying hens based on egg yolk and feather copper concentrations. Poultry Science, 95: 1591-1597.
- Kim, J.W., Kim, J.H., Shin, J.E., and Kil, D.Y. (2016). Relative bioavailability of copper in tribasic copper chloride to copper in copper sulfate for laying hens based on egg yolk and feather copper concentrations. Poultry Science, 14: 143-152
- Leeson, S., and Summers, J.D. (2001). Protein and amino acids. In: Scott's Nutrition of the Chicken. 4th edition, International Book Distributing Company, Lucknow, India.
- Latshaw, J.D., Havenstein, G.B., and Toelle, V.D. (1990). Energy level in the laying diet and its effects on the performance of three commercial Leghorn strains. Poultry Science, 69: 1998-2007.
- Leeson, S., and Summers, J.D. (2005). Commercial Poultry Nutrition. 3rd edition, University Books, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
- Li, W.X., Chen, Y.Q., Zhao, L.H., Ma, Q.G., Zhang, J.Y., and Ji, C. (2018). No copper supplementnation in a corn-soybean basal diet has no adverse effects on late-phase laying hens under normal and cyclic high temperatures. Poultry Science, 97: 1352-1360.
- Lim, H.S., and Paik, I.K. (2003). Effects of supplementary mineral Mthionine chelates (Zn, Cu and Mn) on the performance and eggshell quality of laying hens. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 16: 1804-1808.
- McDowell, L.R. (1992). Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition. 2nd edition, Academic Press, New York, USA., Pp. 524-535.
- McDowell, L.R. (2003). Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition. Second Edition, Academic Press, San Diego, USA.
- Nagle, T., Singh, D.N., Evans, M., and Trappett, P.C. (2005). Economics of energy requirements for layer strains. 17th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 191-194.
- Nahashon, S.N., Adefope, N., Amenyenu, A., and Wright, D. (2007). Effect of varying concentrations of dietary crude protein and metabolizable energy on laying performance of pearl grey guinea fowl hens. Poultry Science, 86: 1793-1799.
- Pekel, A.Y., and Alp, M. (2011). Effects of different dietary copper sources on laying hen performance and egg yolk cholesterol. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 20: 506-513.
- Paik, I.K. (2001). Management of excretion of phosphorus, nitrogen and pharmacological level minerals to reduce environmental pollution from animal production. Asian-Austalian Journal of Animal Sciences, 14: 384-394.
- Ribeiro, P.A.P., Matos J.B., Lara, L.J.C., Araujo, L.F., Albuquerque, R., and Baiao, N.C. (2014). Effect of dietary energy concentration on performance parameters and egg quality of white Leghorn laying hens. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 16: 381-388.
- Totsuka, K., Okazaki, Y., Yamamoto, A., Koide, K., Watanabe, E., Toyomizu, M., and Ishibashi, T. (1993). Effect of dietary crude protein and Metabolisable energy levels on the performance of laying hens. Japanese Poultry Science, 30: 1-15.
- Sibbald, I.R. (1989). Metabolizable energy evaluation of poultry diets. In: Cole, D.J.A. and Haresign, W. (Eds.). Recent Development in Poultry Nutrition. Butterworths, London, 17: 21-34.
- Sohail, S. S., Bryant, M.M., and Roland, Sr., D.A. (2003). Influence of dietary fat on economic returns of commercial Leghorns. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 12: 356-361.
- Sahin, N., Onderci, M., and Sahin, K. (2002). Effects of dietary chromium and zinc on egg production, egg quality, and some blood metabolites of laying hens reared under low ambient temperature. Biology and Trace Element's Researc,. 85: 47-58.
- Scott, M.L., Nesheim, M.C., and Young, R.J. 1982. Nutrition of the Chickens. 3rd ed., Ithaca, New York.
- Shim, K.F., and Vohra, P. (1984). A review of the nutrition of Japanese quail. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 40: 261-274.
- Yamamoto, T., Juneja, L.R., Hatta, H. and Kim, M. (1997). Hen eggs: Their Basic and Applied Science. 1st edition, CRC Press Inc., Florida, USA.
شماع، م.، ساعدی، ه و نیکپور تهرانی، ک. (1376). اصول تغذیه دام و پرندگان. چاپ ششم، انتشارات دانشگاه تهران.
گلیان، ا. و سالار معینی، م. (1378). تغذیه پرندگان (ترجمه).چاپ دوم، انتشارات واحد آموزش و تحقیق، معاونت کشاورزی، سازمان اقتصاری کوثر.
شاه نظري، م.، شيوازاد، م.، كامياب، ع.ر. و نيكخواه، ع. (1383). اثر مقادیر مختلف انرژي و پروتئين جيره بر عملكرد مرغان تخمگذار. مجله علوم کشاورزی ایران، جلد 35، شماره 2، صفحات 499-509.
قیصری، ع.ع. و گلیان، ا. (1375). اثر مقادیر مختلف انرژي و پروتین خوراک دوره پرورش بر عملکرد مرغ¬هاي بومی در طی دوره تخمگذاري. مجله علوم کشاورزي ایران، جلد 27، شماره 2، صفحات 29-34.
نوبخت، ع. (1395). اثرات اوره و مقدار انرژی خوراک بر عملکرد، صفات کیفی تخم مرغ و فراسنجه¬های خونی مرغ تخمگذار. مجله تحقیق¬های بعضوینی دامپزشکی، دوره 7، شماره 1، صفحات 11-23.
مهدی¬زاده، س. و ابراهیمی محمودآباد، س.ر. (1395). اثر انرژی و پروتین خوراک بر عملکرد مرغهای تخمگذار بومی استان مازندران. مجله تحقیق و سازندگی. دوره 29، شماره 111، صفحات 107-120.
شاه نظري، م.، شيوازاد، م.، كامياب، ع.ر. و نيكخواه، ع. (1383). اثر مقادیر مختلف انرژي و پروتئين جيره بر عملكرد مرغان تخمگذار. مجله علوم کشاورزی ایران، جلد 35، شماره 2، صفحات 499-509.
Aoyagi, S., and Baker, D.H. (1993). Estimates of copper bioavailability from liver of different animal species and from feed ingredients derived from plants and animals. Poultry Science, 72: 1746-1755.
Balevi, T., and Coskun, B. (2004). Effects of dietary copper on production and egg cholesterol content in laying hens. British Poultry Science, 45: 530-534.
Balevi, T., and Coskun, B. (2004). Effects of dietary copper on production and egg cholesterol content in laying hens. British Poultry Science, 45: 530-534.
Ding, Y., Bu, X., Zhang, N., Li, L., and Zou, X. (2016). Effects of EMtabolizable energy and crude protein levels on laying performance, egg quality and serum biochemical indices of Fengda-1 layers. Animal Nutrition. 2: 93-98.
El-Hady, A., and Mohamed, A. (2019). Effect of dietary sources and levels of copper supplementation on growth performance, blood parameters and slaughter traits of broiler chickens. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 39: 897-912.
El-Ghalid, O.A.H., El Ashry, G.M., Soliman, S.M., and Abd El-Hady, A.M. (2019). Effect of dietary sources and levels of copper supplementation on growth performance, blood parameters and slaughter traits of broiler chickens. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 39: 897-912.
Eila, N., Lavvaf, A., and Farahvash, T. (2011). Effect of dietary energy levels on productivity and profitability of laying hen. Research Opinions in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 1: 662-665.
Fakler, T.M., Rapp, C.J., Ward, T.L., and Johnson, A.B. (2002). The effects of organic sources of zinc, manganese, and copper on egg production and quality in laying hens. Proceeding of the American Association of Swine, 20: 158-163.
Gunawardana, P., Roland Sr., D.A., and Bryant, M.M. (2008). Effect of energy and protein on performance, egg components, egg solids, egg quality, and profits in molted Hy-Line W-36 hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 17: 432-439.
Kim, J.W., Kim, J.H., Shin, J.E., and Kil, D.Y. (2016). Relative bioavailability of copper in tribasic copper chloride to copper in copper sulfate for laying hens based on egg yolk and feather copper concentrations. Poultry Science, 95: 1591-1597.
Kim, J.W., Kim, J.H., Shin, J.E., and Kil, D.Y. (2016). Relative bioavailability of copper in tribasic copper chloride to copper in copper sulfate for laying hens based on egg yolk and feather copper concentrations. Poultry Science, 14: 143-152
Leeson, S., and Summers, J.D. (2001). Protein and amino acids. In: Scott's Nutrition of the Chicken. 4th edition, International Book Distributing Company, Lucknow, India.
Latshaw, J.D., Havenstein, G.B., and Toelle, V.D. (1990). Energy level in the laying diet and its effects on the performance of three commercial Leghorn strains. Poultry Science, 69: 1998-2007.
Leeson, S., and Summers, J.D. (2005). Commercial Poultry Nutrition. 3rd edition, University Books, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Li, W.X., Chen, Y.Q., Zhao, L.H., Ma, Q.G., Zhang, J.Y., and Ji, C. (2018). No copper supplementnation in a corn-soybean basal diet has no adverse effects on late-phase laying hens under normal and cyclic high temperatures. Poultry Science, 97: 1352-1360.
Lim, H.S., and Paik, I.K. (2003). Effects of supplementary mineral Mthionine chelates (Zn, Cu and Mn) on the performance and eggshell quality of laying hens. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 16: 1804-1808.
McDowell, L.R. (1992). Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition. 2nd edition, Academic Press, New York, USA., Pp. 524-535.
McDowell, L.R. (2003). Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition. Second Edition, Academic Press, San Diego, USA.
Nagle, T., Singh, D.N., Evans, M., and Trappett, P.C. (2005). Economics of energy requirements for layer strains. 17th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 191-194.
Nahashon, S.N., Adefope, N., Amenyenu, A., and Wright, D. (2007). Effect of varying concentrations of dietary crude protein and metabolizable energy on laying performance of pearl grey guinea fowl hens. Poultry Science, 86: 1793-1799.
Pekel, A.Y., and Alp, M. (2011). Effects of different dietary copper sources on laying hen performance and egg yolk cholesterol. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 20: 506-513.
Paik, I.K. (2001). Management of excretion of phosphorus, nitrogen and pharmacological level minerals to reduce environmental pollution from animal production. Asian-Austalian Journal of Animal Sciences, 14: 384-394.
Ribeiro, P.A.P., Matos J.B., Lara, L.J.C., Araujo, L.F., Albuquerque, R., and Baiao, N.C. (2014). Effect of dietary energy concentration on performance parameters and egg quality of white Leghorn laying hens. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, 16: 381-388.
Totsuka, K., Okazaki, Y., Yamamoto, A., Koide, K., Watanabe, E., Toyomizu, M., and Ishibashi, T. (1993). Effect of dietary crude protein and Metabolisable energy levels on the performance of laying hens. Japanese Poultry Science, 30: 1-15.
Sibbald, I.R. (1989). Metabolizable energy evaluation of poultry diets. In: Cole, D.J.A. and Haresign, W. (Eds.). Recent Development in Poultry Nutrition. Butterworths, London, 17: 21-34.
Sohail, S. S., Bryant, M.M., and Roland, Sr., D.A. (2003). Influence of dietary fat on economic returns of commercial Leghorns. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 12: 356-361.
Sahin, N., Onderci, M., and Sahin, K. (2002). Effects of dietary chromium and zinc on egg production, egg quality, and some blood metabolites of laying hens reared under low ambient temperature. Biology and Trace Element's Researc,. 85: 47-58.
Scott, M.L., Nesheim, M.C., and Young, R.J. 1982. Nutrition of the Chickens. 3rd ed., Ithaca, New York.
Shim, K.F., and Vohra, P. (1984). A review of the nutrition of Japanese quail. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 40: 261-274.
Yamamoto, T., Juneja, L.R., Hatta, H. and Kim, M. (1997). Hen eggs: Their Basic and Applied Science. 1st edition, CRC Press Inc., Florida, USA.