Main Article Content
Various infectious diseases endanger the health and production of animals. As a result of reducing the number of animals and their productivity, they create conditions for economic crises and poverty. A significant number of the mentioned diseases have a zoonotic nature and affect the health and well-being of humans. Therefore, the main objective of this review article is to evaluate the adverse effects of animal infectious diseases on the socio-economic status of Afghanistan, especially the income of families and the national economy. Infectious diseases spread quickly across borders, from one country to another, and even continents. The results of various research showed that the diseases mentioned above cause hundreds of billions of dollars in losses to the economies of countries and deficient- and middle-income countries like Afghanistan. According to the available data, the cases and outbreaks of various animal infectious diseases occur continuously in the animal populations of Afghanistan, and a large number of them are zoonoses. Since Afghanistan is an agricultural country and the occupation of the majority of its people is livestock farming, and they keep and breed millions of animals and poultry, therefore affecting the health and productivity of animal populations has very unfortunate effects on the economy of families and the entire national economy of the country. Based on this, the provision of standard veterinary services and, as a result, prevention, timely diagnosis, control, and effective treatment of animals play an essential role in reducing such losses and improving the country’s national economy.
Article Details
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- ایوبی، نورمحمد. (1380). نقش طبابت وترنری در صحت عامه، ضرورت ها و امکانات برای بازسازی صحت حیوانی و مالداری در افغانستان، دستآورد های نخستین سمپوزیم تخنیکی وترنری کمیته هالند برای افغانستان، ص ص 4 – 14.
- صمدی، اسداالله. (1398). روشهای ارزیابی اثربخشی و درجه موثریت واکسینها و نقش آنها در کنترول بیماریهای ساری انسانی و حیوانی، مجله علمی تحقیقی پوهنتون کابل در علوم طبیعی، 3: 134 – 156.
- مبینی، سید مهدی; کوری برون; امیر، داد محمد و همکاران. (2008). کتاب تشریحی امراض ساری حیوانات در افغانستان، گروپ نشراتی بوکا، آی، ان، سی، پوهنتون ایالتی فورت والی، صص 3، 61، 159، 240.
- Abdali S. S. and Samadi A. (2022). Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Human Brucellosis and Toxoplasmosis in Ghazni Province of Afghanistan, Veterinary Medicine and Public Heath, 3(2):18-24.
- Acosta A, Barrantes C. and Ihle R. (2020). Animal disease outbreaks and food market price dynamics: Evidence from regime-dependent modelling and connected scatterplots, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64: 960–976
- Ahaduzzaman Md (2020). Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in Africa and Asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence in sheep and goats between 1969 and 2018, Vet Med Sci. 2020;6:813–833.
- Aicha E. (2019). Economic impact of animal and human rabies prevention and control in Tunisia between 2012 and 2016, Abstracts / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 79(S1) (2019) 1–150,
- Akalu R (2017). Review on Common Impact and Management of Transboundary Animal Diseases, JOJ Immuno Virology 2(2): JOJIV.MS.ID.555583.
- Amenu A., Feyisa Bekuma, Gezali Abafaji and Derej Abera (2018). Review on Epidemiological Aspects and Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease, Dairy and Vet Sci J 7(4): JDVS.MS.ID.555716 (2018).
- Aslam M and Alkheraije KA (2023) The prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease in Asia. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1201578. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1201578
- Barratt AS, Rich KM, Eze JI, Porphyre T, Gunn GJ and Stott AW (2019) Framework for Estimating Indirect Costs in Animal Health Using Time Series Analysis.Front. Vet. Sci. 6:190. doi:10.3389/fvets.2019.00190
- Bennett, R. (2003). The ‘Direct Costs’ of Livestock Disease: The Development of a System of Models for the Analysis of 30 Endemic Livestock Diseases in Great Britain. Journal of Agricultural Economics 54(1): 55-71.
- Beverelli C. and Ticku R. (2023). Global Livestock Trade and Infectious Diseases, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Global Governance Programme-494, RSC Working Paper 2023/09
- Bianchini, J.; Simons, X.; Humblet, M.-F.; Saegerman, C. (2023). Lumpy Skin Disease: A Systematic Review of Mode of Transmission, Risk of Emergence and Risk Entry Pathway. Viruses 2023, 15, 1622.
- Biggs, P.M. (1982). The world of poultry disease. Avian Pathology, 11: 281–300.
- Butler, A., M. Lobley and M. Winter (2010). Economic Impact Assessment of Bovine Tuberculosis in the South West of England, CRPR Research Paper No 30.
- Chakraborty S, Kumar A, Tiwari T, Rahal A, Malik Y, Dhama K, Pal A and Prasad M (2014) Advances in Diagnosis of Respiratory Diseases of Small Ruminants, Veterinary Medicine International, Volume 2014, Article ID 508304, 16 pages.
- CSO (2018). 2017-2018 Statistical years book of Afghanistan, Retrieved from:
- De Haan, C. )2016(. Prospects for Livestock-Based Livelihoods in Africa’s Drylands. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Dhama, K., Wani M.Y., Tiwari, R. and Kumar, D. (2012). Molecular Diagnosis of Animal diseases: The current trends and perspective, Livestock Sphere, 1: 6-10.
- Espinosa R. Tago D. Nicolas Treich N. (2020). Infectious Diseases and Meat Production, Environmental and Resource Economics (2020) 76:1019–1044.
- FAO (2002). Improved animal health for poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO Agriculture Department, FAO animal production and health paper 153, ISBN 92-5-104757-X, Rome.
- FAO (2011(. World Livestock 2011: Livestock in food security. Rome: FAO.
- FAO (2018). World Food and Agriculture – Statistical Pocketbook 2018. Rome. 254 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
- FAO (2023). Afghanistan: Cold wave assessment on livestock – Data in Emergencies Impact report, July 2023. Rome.
- FAO. Chapter 2: Trends in animal health: problems and challenges [Online], Retrieved from:
- FAO/MAIL (2008). Afghanistan national livestock census 2002-2003, OSRO/AFG/212/AFG final report, food and agriculture organization of the united nations, ROME.
- Fejzi N. and Šeri-Harai S. (2017). Predicting the role of veterinary medicine in future health and food safety challenges, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 85 012004
- Finley, M. (2014). Veterinary Medicine in Afghanistan: Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Assistance (No. SAND2014-4147C). Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States).
- Fritz K. M. (2015). Socioeconomic impact of infectious animal diseases in smallholder settings in low-income countries, Focussing on African swine fever in Uganda, SLU, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Thesis.
- Gunjikar T. Daniels A. (2023). Treating Infectious Diseases: An Opportunity to Drive Global Health and Wealth, May 30, 2023, [Online], Retrieved from:
- Haider A, Maryam H, Waqas U, Fatima M, Abbas Z, et al. (2023). The Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease and Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination for the Control of Outbreaks in Pakistan. Vet Med Animal Sci. 2023; 6(1): 1125.
- Herrero, M., Di Mayberry, D., van de Steeg, J., Phelan, D., Ash, A., Diyezee, K., Robinson, T., Henderson, B., Gilbert, M., van Wijk, M., Godde, C., Blummel, M., Prestwidge, D., Stephenson, E., Power, B., and Parsons, D. 2016. Understanding Livestock Yield Gaps for Poverty Alleviation, Food Security and the Environment. The LivesGAPS Project – final report. Brisbane: CSIRO.
- Hill EM, Prosser NS, Ferguson E, Kaler J, Green MJ, Keeling MJ, et al. (2022) Modelling livestock infectious disease control policy under differing social perspectives on vaccination behaviour. PLoS Comput Biol 18(7): e1010235.
- Holecek, D. F. and Bristor T. F. (2003). The economic impact of bovine TB on the tourism industry in northeast Michigan, MTTRC, Michigan University, Pp. 1-6.
- IFAH (2012). The Costs of Animal Disease, a report produced for the International Federation for Animal Health, Oxford Analytica.
- Ismahene Y. (2021). Infectious Diseases, Trade, and Economic Growth: a Panel Analysis of Developed and Developing countries, Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2022) 13:2547–2583
- Jamal, M. S. Giancarlo Ferrari d, Safia Ahmedb, Preben Normann c, Graham J. Belsham (2011). Genetic diversity of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O in Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1997–2009, Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11 (2011) 1229–1238
- Klement E. (2018). Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease 3, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 E. S. M. Tuppurainen et al., Lumpy Skin Disease,
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- Limon G, Gamawa AA, Ahmed AI, Lyons NA and Beard PM (2020). Epidemiological Characteristics and Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease, Sheeppox and Goatpox Among Subsistence Farmers in Northeast Nigeria. Front. Vet. Sci. 7:8.
- Mat B., Mehmet Saltuk Arikan, Ahmet Cumhur Akin et al., (2021). Determination of production losses related to lumpy skin disease among cattle in Turkey and analysis using SEIR epidemic Model, BMC Veterinary Research (2021) 17:300.
- Mdlulwa N. Z. and Klein K. K. (2015). Socio-Economic Impacts of Lumpy Skin Disease and Rift Valley Fever on the South African Livestock Economy, ARC –LNR.
- Molla W., Mart C.M. de Jong, Getachew Gari, Klaas Frankena (2017). Economic impact of lumpy skin disease and cost effectiveness of vaccination for the control of outbreaks in Ethiopia, Preventive Veterinary Medicine 147 (2017) 100–107
- MPI (2018). Afghanistan, migration polity institute,
- Mustafa ML, Ayazi E, Mohareb E, Sam Yingst S, Zayed A, Rossi CA, et al. (2011). Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Afghanistan, 2009, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2011; 17(10): 1940 – 1941.
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- Osmani, A.; Habib, I.; Robertson, I.D. (2021a). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAPs) of Farmers on Foot and Mouth Disease in Cattle in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan: A Descriptive Study. Animals 2021, 11, 2188
- Osmani, A.; Robertson, I.D. Habib, I.; (2021b). Seroprevalence and risk factors for foot-and-Mouth disease in cattle in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan, Vet Med Sci. 2021;7:1263–1275
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- Praharee P. (2023). Economic Impacts & Public Health Significance of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) : Prevention & Control [Online], By Team Pashudhan Praharee, Disease Fact Sheet For Transboundary Animal Diseases (Tads) For Field Veterinarians, Compiled & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development) April 4, 2023.
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ایوبی، نورمحمد. (1380). نقش طبابت وترنری در صحت عامه، ضرورت ها و امکانات برای بازسازی صحت حیوانی و مالداری در افغانستان، دستآورد های نخستین سمپوزیم تخنیکی وترنری کمیته هالند برای افغانستان، ص ص 4 – 14.
صمدی، اسداالله. (1398). روشهای ارزیابی اثربخشی و درجه موثریت واکسینها و نقش آنها در کنترول بیماریهای ساری انسانی و حیوانی، مجله علمی تحقیقی پوهنتون کابل در علوم طبیعی، 3: 134 – 156.
مبینی، سید مهدی; کوری برون; امیر، داد محمد و همکاران. (2008). کتاب تشریحی امراض ساری حیوانات در افغانستان، گروپ نشراتی بوکا، آی، ان، سی، پوهنتون ایالتی فورت والی، صص 3، 61، 159، 240.
Abdali S. S. and Samadi A. (2022). Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Human Brucellosis and Toxoplasmosis in Ghazni Province of Afghanistan, Veterinary Medicine and Public Heath, 3(2):18-24.
Acosta A, Barrantes C. and Ihle R. (2020). Animal disease outbreaks and food market price dynamics: Evidence from regime-dependent modelling and connected scatterplots, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64: 960–976
Ahaduzzaman Md (2020). Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in Africa and Asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence in sheep and goats between 1969 and 2018, Vet Med Sci. 2020;6:813–833.
Aicha E. (2019). Economic impact of animal and human rabies prevention and control in Tunisia between 2012 and 2016, Abstracts / International Journal of Infectious Diseases 79(S1) (2019) 1–150,
Akalu R (2017). Review on Common Impact and Management of Transboundary Animal Diseases, JOJ Immuno Virology 2(2): JOJIV.MS.ID.555583.
Amenu A., Feyisa Bekuma, Gezali Abafaji and Derej Abera (2018). Review on Epidemiological Aspects and Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease, Dairy and Vet Sci J 7(4): JDVS.MS.ID.555716 (2018).
Aslam M and Alkheraije KA (2023) The prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease in Asia. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1201578. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1201578
Barratt AS, Rich KM, Eze JI, Porphyre T, Gunn GJ and Stott AW (2019) Framework for Estimating Indirect Costs in Animal Health Using Time Series Analysis.Front. Vet. Sci. 6:190. doi:10.3389/fvets.2019.00190
Bennett, R. (2003). The ‘Direct Costs’ of Livestock Disease: The Development of a System of Models for the Analysis of 30 Endemic Livestock Diseases in Great Britain. Journal of Agricultural Economics 54(1): 55-71.
Beverelli C. and Ticku R. (2023). Global Livestock Trade and Infectious Diseases, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Global Governance Programme-494, RSC Working Paper 2023/09
Bianchini, J.; Simons, X.; Humblet, M.-F.; Saegerman, C. (2023). Lumpy Skin Disease: A Systematic Review of Mode of Transmission, Risk of Emergence and Risk Entry Pathway. Viruses 2023, 15, 1622.
Biggs, P.M. (1982). The world of poultry disease. Avian Pathology, 11: 281–300.
Butler, A., M. Lobley and M. Winter (2010). Economic Impact Assessment of Bovine Tuberculosis in the South West of England, CRPR Research Paper No 30.
Chakraborty S, Kumar A, Tiwari T, Rahal A, Malik Y, Dhama K, Pal A and Prasad M (2014) Advances in Diagnosis of Respiratory Diseases of Small Ruminants, Veterinary Medicine International, Volume 2014, Article ID 508304, 16 pages.
CSO (2018). 2017-2018 Statistical years book of Afghanistan, Retrieved from:
De Haan, C. )2016(. Prospects for Livestock-Based Livelihoods in Africa’s Drylands. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Dhama, K., Wani M.Y., Tiwari, R. and Kumar, D. (2012). Molecular Diagnosis of Animal diseases: The current trends and perspective, Livestock Sphere, 1: 6-10.
Espinosa R. Tago D. Nicolas Treich N. (2020). Infectious Diseases and Meat Production, Environmental and Resource Economics (2020) 76:1019–1044.
FAO (2002). Improved animal health for poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO Agriculture Department, FAO animal production and health paper 153, ISBN 92-5-104757-X, Rome.
FAO (2011(. World Livestock 2011: Livestock in food security. Rome: FAO.
FAO (2018). World Food and Agriculture – Statistical Pocketbook 2018. Rome. 254 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
FAO (2023). Afghanistan: Cold wave assessment on livestock – Data in Emergencies Impact report, July 2023. Rome.
FAO. Chapter 2: Trends in animal health: problems and challenges [Online], Retrieved from:
FAO/MAIL (2008). Afghanistan national livestock census 2002-2003, OSRO/AFG/212/AFG final report, food and agriculture organization of the united nations, ROME.
Fejzi N. and Šeri-Harai S. (2017). Predicting the role of veterinary medicine in future health and food safety challenges, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 85 012004
Finley, M. (2014). Veterinary Medicine in Afghanistan: Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Assistance (No. SAND2014-4147C). Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States).
Fritz K. M. (2015). Socioeconomic impact of infectious animal diseases in smallholder settings in low-income countries, Focussing on African swine fever in Uganda, SLU, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Thesis.
Gunjikar T. Daniels A. (2023). Treating Infectious Diseases: An Opportunity to Drive Global Health and Wealth, May 30, 2023, [Online], Retrieved from:
Haider A, Maryam H, Waqas U, Fatima M, Abbas Z, et al. (2023). The Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease and Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination for the Control of Outbreaks in Pakistan. Vet Med Animal Sci. 2023; 6(1): 1125.
Herrero, M., Di Mayberry, D., van de Steeg, J., Phelan, D., Ash, A., Diyezee, K., Robinson, T., Henderson, B., Gilbert, M., van Wijk, M., Godde, C., Blummel, M., Prestwidge, D., Stephenson, E., Power, B., and Parsons, D. 2016. Understanding Livestock Yield Gaps for Poverty Alleviation, Food Security and the Environment. The LivesGAPS Project – final report. Brisbane: CSIRO.
Hill EM, Prosser NS, Ferguson E, Kaler J, Green MJ, Keeling MJ, et al. (2022) Modelling livestock infectious disease control policy under differing social perspectives on vaccination behaviour. PLoS Comput Biol 18(7): e1010235.
Holecek, D. F. and Bristor T. F. (2003). The economic impact of bovine TB on the tourism industry in northeast Michigan, MTTRC, Michigan University, Pp. 1-6.
IFAH (2012). The Costs of Animal Disease, a report produced for the International Federation for Animal Health, Oxford Analytica.
Ismahene Y. (2021). Infectious Diseases, Trade, and Economic Growth: a Panel Analysis of Developed and Developing countries, Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2022) 13:2547–2583
Jamal, M. S. Giancarlo Ferrari d, Safia Ahmedb, Preben Normann c, Graham J. Belsham (2011). Genetic diversity of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O in Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1997–2009, Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11 (2011) 1229–1238
Klement E. (2018). Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease 3, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 E. S. M. Tuppurainen et al., Lumpy Skin Disease,
Kwaghe, A. V., A. J. Ameh, A., G. Ambali, et al. (2015). Prevalence and Economic Losses from Bovine Tuberculosis in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria, International Journal of Life Sciences, 4(4): Pp. 283-287.
Limon G, Gamawa AA, Ahmed AI, Lyons NA and Beard PM (2020). Epidemiological Characteristics and Economic Impact of Lumpy Skin Disease, Sheeppox and Goatpox Among Subsistence Farmers in Northeast Nigeria. Front. Vet. Sci. 7:8.
Mat B., Mehmet Saltuk Arikan, Ahmet Cumhur Akin et al., (2021). Determination of production losses related to lumpy skin disease among cattle in Turkey and analysis using SEIR epidemic Model, BMC Veterinary Research (2021) 17:300.
Mdlulwa N. Z. and Klein K. K. (2015). Socio-Economic Impacts of Lumpy Skin Disease and Rift Valley Fever on the South African Livestock Economy, ARC –LNR.
Molla W., Mart C.M. de Jong, Getachew Gari, Klaas Frankena (2017). Economic impact of lumpy skin disease and cost effectiveness of vaccination for the control of outbreaks in Ethiopia, Preventive Veterinary Medicine 147 (2017) 100–107
MPI (2018). Afghanistan, migration polity institute,
Mustafa ML, Ayazi E, Mohareb E, Sam Yingst S, Zayed A, Rossi CA, et al. (2011). Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Afghanistan, 2009, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2011; 17(10): 1940 – 1941.
OECD and FAO. (2016). OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025. Paris: OECD.
Osmani A. Ian Duncan Robertson, Ihab Habib and Ahmad Arash Aslami (2019). History and epidemiology of foot-andmouth disease in Afghanistan: a retrospective study, BMC Veterinary Research (2019) 15:340
Osmani, A.; Habib, I.; Robertson, I.D. (2021a). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAPs) of Farmers on Foot and Mouth Disease in Cattle in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan: A Descriptive Study. Animals 2021, 11, 2188
Osmani, A.; Robertson, I.D. Habib, I.; (2021b). Seroprevalence and risk factors for foot-and-Mouth disease in cattle in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan, Vet Med Sci. 2021;7:1263–1275
Otte M.J., Nugent R. and McLeod A. (2004). Transboundary Animal Diseases: Assesment of scoio-economic impacts and institutional responses, FAO Livestock Policy Discussion Paper No. 9., AGAL, Feb 2004.
Otte, M. J., and P. Chilonda (2000). Animal Health Economics: An Introduction. Livestock Information. Sector Analysis and Policy Branch, Animal Production and Health Division (AGA), FAO, Rome, Italy. Accessed on 07/30/2007
Pradère, J.P. (2014). Improving animal health and livestock productivity to reduce poverty. Revue scientifique et technique (OIE) 33(3), 735-744. 42frpradere735744.pdf
Praharee P. (2023). Economic Impacts & Public Health Significance of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) : Prevention & Control [Online], By Team Pashudhan Praharee, Disease Fact Sheet For Transboundary Animal Diseases (Tads) For Field Veterinarians, Compiled & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development) April 4, 2023.
Pritchett, J., D. Thilmany and K. Johnson (2005). Animal Disease Economic Impacts: A Survey of Literature and Typology of Research Approaches. International Food and Management Review 8(1).
Roesel K and Grace D. (2014). Food safety and informal markets: Animal products in sub-Saharan Africa, London, UK: Routledge.
Rushton, J. (2009). The economics of animal health and production, CABI, USA, Pp. 16 - 20, 199 – 255.
Salmon, G. )2018(. Livestock and economy. Does the livestock sector make up 40% of total agricultural GDP globally? LD4D Livestock Fact Check 2. Edinburgh: Supporting Evidence Based Interventions project, University of Edinburgh.
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