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The Karst structures in carbonatic rocks is one of the very important properties, and these types of structures made in some other rocks also, it is have the different types and largeness. When in one carbonatic rock came some faults and cracks, in this case its reactions and leaching, and after some time made biggest caves. Generally, carbonatic rocks made in those places that here one time pass ocean and pass at the previous geological periods. In Afghanistan, generally, we can find these type of rocks at those places that pass Tythes River, and we can find these type of rocks at Mahipar, Badi Amire, Chak Wardak, Laghman, and Nangrahar. The carbonatic rocks we can find at the different kinds, and it’s belong to the river extend, and it is consisting of macro to micro, and its size maybe start from1mm and too many kilometers. Because its size belonging to the amount of water, and the type of basins.


Karsts Carbonatic Rocks Leaching Cave Valley

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How to Cite
Rasouli, H., & Shamal, S. (2024). In the Nature Making Different Type of Carbonatic Structures and Its Forms. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 7(1), 109–127.