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Fruits are a main part of human nutrition and play a crucial role in maintaining a well-balanced diet. Most fruits have a short life after harvest, so processing is required to have a year-round supply. Agrochemicals, including alkaline solutions, are widely used as pretreatments to improve the yield and quality of dried fruits. This study identifies the proper compounds and concentration of alkaline solutions for improved quality of dried fruits. In this study, the findings of previously published articles are reviewed. In this review, the effects of alkaline solutions on the drying time and quality of dried fruits are studied. The reviewed researches show that different concentrations of alkaline solutions have significant positive effects on raisins, figs, apples, plums, apricots, blueberries, and olives. The farmers can apply alkaline solutions as pretreatments to get high-quality dried fruits.
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- Alimyar, O. (2020). Traditional Processes of Food (Fresh and Dried Fruits) Production and Storage in Afghanistan and Their Impact on Humans’ Health. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(2), 1453–1457.
- An, K., Fu, M., Zhang, H., Tang, D., Xu, Y., & Xiao, G. (2019). Effect of ethyl oleate pretreatment on blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.): Drying kinetics, antioxidant activity, and structure of wax layer. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(2), 783–791.
- Anand, A., Jagadeesh, S., & G, B. (2018). Effect of different pre-treatments on dehydration of fig fruits under electric tray dryer. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(6), 1716–1721.
- Antal, T., Figiel, A., Kerekes, B., Sikolya, L., & Korzeniowska, M. (2014). The effect of alkaline water pre-treatment on drying characteristics of apples. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 8(7), 1056–1064.
- Arzani, K., Sherafaty, A. H., & Saba, M. K. (2009). Harvest Date and Post Harvest Alkaline Treatment Effects on Quantity and Quality of Kashmar, Iran, Green Raisin. Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, 11, 449-456.
- Ates, F., kaya, O., Keskin, N., & Turan, M. (2022). Biogenic amines in raisins of one vintage year: Influence of two chemical pre- treatments (dipping in oak ash solution or potassium carbonate solution). Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, 72, 51-59.
- Berlanga-Del Pozo, M., Gallardo-Guerrero, L., & Gandul-Rojas, B. (2020). Influence of Alkaline Treatment on Structural Modifications of Chlorophyll Pigments in NaOH—Treated Table Olives Preserved without Fermentation. Foods, 9(6), Article 6.
- Bingol, G., Roberts, J. S., Balaban, M. O., & Devres, Y. O. (2012). Effect of Dipping Temperature and Dipping Time on Drying Rate and Color Change of Grapes. Drying Technology: An International Journal, 30, 597–606.
- Bookstaff, R. C., PaiBir, S., Bharaj, S. S., Kelm, G. R., Kulick, R. M., Balm, T. K., & Murray, J. V. (2003). The safety of the use of ethyl oleate in food is supported by metabolism data in rats and clinical safety data in humans. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology: RTP, 37(1), 133–148.
- Doymaz, İ. (2004). Effect of Pre-treatments using Potassium Metabisulphide and Alkaline Ethyl Oleate on the Drying Kinetics of Apricots. Biosystems Engineering, 89(3), 281–287.
- EFSA Panel. (2023, September). Assessment of the application for renewal of the authorisation of a feed additive consisting of sodium hydroxide for dogs, cats and ornamental fish (Brenntag Holding GmbH and Electroquímica de Hernani, S.A.)—- 2023—EFSA Journal—Wiley Online Library [EFSA Journal]. European Food Safety Authority.
- FAO/WHO Food Standards. (2024). GSFA Online Food Additive Details for Potassium carbonate [GSFA Online]. FAO/WHO Food Standards CODEX Alimentarius.
- Foshanji, A. S., H.C, K., Mushrif, S. K., G.K, R., & S., B. (2022). Effects of Pretreatments and Drying Methods on Drying Kinetics and Physical properties of Raisins. Biological Forum - An International Journal, 14(4a), 155–160.
- Foster, R. E., & Fazli, F. (2021). (PDF) Community Solar Food Drying in Afghanistan [researchGate]. Internatinal Slar Energy Society.
- IMAP Group. (2016). Sodium hydroxide_Human health tier II assessment.pdf (IMAP Group Assessment Report No. 1406; IMAP, pp. 1–11). Accelerated assessment of industrial chemicals in Australia.
- Ismail, O., keyf, S., Beyribey, B., & ÇORBACIOğLU, B. (2008). Effects of Dipping Solutions on Air-Drying Rates of the Seedless Grapes. Food Science and Technology Research, 14 (6), 547–552.
- Janick, J. (2005). The Origins of Fruits, Fruit Growing, and Fruit Breeding. In J. Janick (Ed.), Plant Breeding Reviews (1st ed., Vol. 25, pp. 255–321). Wiley.
- Karimi, R. and Mirzaei, F. (2018). The effect of three drying methods on biophysical and biochemical properties of raisin. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 49(2), 475-491. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2017.232628.1249
- Salazar, Domingo & López-Cortés, Isabel & Salazar-García, Domingo. (2017). Olive Oil: Composition and Health Benefits. In Fritjof, T. and Henning, B. (Eds.), Olive Oil. Sensory characteristics, composition and importance for Human health (pp.1-37), Nova Science Publishers.
- Mani, G., & Negi, K. (2024). (PDF) Fruit Nutrition Health Benefits and Beyond. ResearchGate.
- Ozdemir, Y., Ozturk, A., & Senem, T. (2016). Effect of two dipping pretreatment on drying kinetics of golden berry (Physalis peruviana L.). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(1), 40–47.
- Salari, H. (2016). (PDF) Effect of Potassium Carbonate and Sulfur on Quality Attributes of Green Raisin. ResearchGate.
- Sharma, A. K., Naik, S., Sawant, S., & Kadam, P. (2017). (PDF) Evaluation of commercial dipping oil for production of quality raisins from Thompson Seedless grapes. Journal of Horticulture Science, . 12(2), 180-185.
- Sharma, A. K., Somkuwar, R. G., & Naik, S. (2022). Evaluation of ethyl oleate and potassium carbonate in drying on vine methodology of raisin making under tropical conditions of India. Current Horticulture, 10 (2).
- Shi, J., Pan, Z., Mchugh, & Wood, D. F. (2008). Effect of Berry Size and Sodium Hydroxide Pretreatment on the Drying Characteristics of Blueberries under Infrared Radiation Heating. Journal of Food Science, 73(6), 259-65. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2008.00816.x.
- Tan, N., Konak, R., Cicek, E., Kosoglu, I., Sahin, B., Çiçek, E., Fig Research Institute, Kösoğlu, İ., Fig Research Institute, & Şahin, B. (2018). Effect of Different Drying Techniques on Some Functional Properties of Dried Fig. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 2(4), 327–334.
- Tarhan, S. (2007). Selection of chemical and thermal pretreatment combination for plum drying at low and moderate drying air temperatures . Journal of Food Engineering.
- USDA. (2024). Potassium Hydroxide TR 1_22_16 Final.Pdf (Technical Evaluation Report No. TR 1-22-16 Final; Potassium Hydroxide, pp. 1–13). USDA Agricultural Marketing Science.
- USDA/NOP. (2023). 2023 Technical Report Potassium Cabonate (pp. 1–29) [Full Scope Technical Evaluation Report]. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for the USDA National Organic Program.
- Venkatram, A., Padmavathamma, A. S., Vijaya, D., Siva Sankar, A., Manorama, K., & Rao, B. S. (2017). Studies on Various Concentrations of Antioxidants with Alkaline Emulsion of Ethyl Oleate as Pre-Treatment on Rate of Drying, Yield and Colour of Raisins Prepared from Seedless Grape (Vitis vinifera L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(8), 2785–2793.
- WHO/FAO. (2021). STANDARD FOR OLIVE OILS AND OLIVE POMACE OILS CXS 33-1981 (Codex Alimentarius International Food Standards No. CXS 33-1981; pp. 1–9).
- Yadav, K. U., & Swami, S. B. (2024). Effect of Pre-treatments and Open Sun Drying of Grapes on its Quality. International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 14(1), 343–360.
- Yusufi, M. M., & Yamada, R. (2017). Pre and Postharvest Losses and Marketing of Grapes in Afghanistan: Case Study in Mirbachakot, Shakardara and Kalakan Districts of Kabul. International Society of Envirtonmental and Rural Development, 8(1), 156–162.
Alimyar, O. (2020). Traditional Processes of Food (Fresh and Dried Fruits) Production and Storage in Afghanistan and Their Impact on Humans’ Health. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(2), 1453–1457.
An, K., Fu, M., Zhang, H., Tang, D., Xu, Y., & Xiao, G. (2019). Effect of ethyl oleate pretreatment on blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.): Drying kinetics, antioxidant activity, and structure of wax layer. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56(2), 783–791.
Anand, A., Jagadeesh, S., & G, B. (2018). Effect of different pre-treatments on dehydration of fig fruits under electric tray dryer. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 6(6), 1716–1721.
Antal, T., Figiel, A., Kerekes, B., Sikolya, L., & Korzeniowska, M. (2014). The effect of alkaline water pre-treatment on drying characteristics of apples. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 8(7), 1056–1064.
Arzani, K., Sherafaty, A. H., & Saba, M. K. (2009). Harvest Date and Post Harvest Alkaline Treatment Effects on Quantity and Quality of Kashmar, Iran, Green Raisin. Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, 11, 449-456.
Ates, F., kaya, O., Keskin, N., & Turan, M. (2022). Biogenic amines in raisins of one vintage year: Influence of two chemical pre- treatments (dipping in oak ash solution or potassium carbonate solution). Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, 72, 51-59.
Berlanga-Del Pozo, M., Gallardo-Guerrero, L., & Gandul-Rojas, B. (2020). Influence of Alkaline Treatment on Structural Modifications of Chlorophyll Pigments in NaOH—Treated Table Olives Preserved without Fermentation. Foods, 9(6), Article 6.
Bingol, G., Roberts, J. S., Balaban, M. O., & Devres, Y. O. (2012). Effect of Dipping Temperature and Dipping Time on Drying Rate and Color Change of Grapes. Drying Technology: An International Journal, 30, 597–606.
Bookstaff, R. C., PaiBir, S., Bharaj, S. S., Kelm, G. R., Kulick, R. M., Balm, T. K., & Murray, J. V. (2003). The safety of the use of ethyl oleate in food is supported by metabolism data in rats and clinical safety data in humans. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology: RTP, 37(1), 133–148.
Doymaz, İ. (2004). Effect of Pre-treatments using Potassium Metabisulphide and Alkaline Ethyl Oleate on the Drying Kinetics of Apricots. Biosystems Engineering, 89(3), 281–287.
EFSA Panel. (2023, September). Assessment of the application for renewal of the authorisation of a feed additive consisting of sodium hydroxide for dogs, cats and ornamental fish (Brenntag Holding GmbH and Electroquímica de Hernani, S.A.)—- 2023—EFSA Journal—Wiley Online Library [EFSA Journal]. European Food Safety Authority.
FAO/WHO Food Standards. (2024). GSFA Online Food Additive Details for Potassium carbonate [GSFA Online]. FAO/WHO Food Standards CODEX Alimentarius.
Foshanji, A. S., H.C, K., Mushrif, S. K., G.K, R., & S., B. (2022). Effects of Pretreatments and Drying Methods on Drying Kinetics and Physical properties of Raisins. Biological Forum - An International Journal, 14(4a), 155–160.
Foster, R. E., & Fazli, F. (2021). (PDF) Community Solar Food Drying in Afghanistan [researchGate]. Internatinal Slar Energy Society.
IMAP Group. (2016). Sodium hydroxide_Human health tier II assessment.pdf (IMAP Group Assessment Report No. 1406; IMAP, pp. 1–11). Accelerated assessment of industrial chemicals in Australia.
Ismail, O., keyf, S., Beyribey, B., & ÇORBACIOğLU, B. (2008). Effects of Dipping Solutions on Air-Drying Rates of the Seedless Grapes. Food Science and Technology Research, 14 (6), 547–552.
Janick, J. (2005). The Origins of Fruits, Fruit Growing, and Fruit Breeding. In J. Janick (Ed.), Plant Breeding Reviews (1st ed., Vol. 25, pp. 255–321). Wiley.
Karimi, R. and Mirzaei, F. (2018). The effect of three drying methods on biophysical and biochemical properties of raisin. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 49(2), 475-491. doi: 10.22059/ijhs.2017.232628.1249
Salazar, Domingo & López-Cortés, Isabel & Salazar-García, Domingo. (2017). Olive Oil: Composition and Health Benefits. In Fritjof, T. and Henning, B. (Eds.), Olive Oil. Sensory characteristics, composition and importance for Human health (pp.1-37), Nova Science Publishers.
Mani, G., & Negi, K. (2024). (PDF) Fruit Nutrition Health Benefits and Beyond. ResearchGate.
Ozdemir, Y., Ozturk, A., & Senem, T. (2016). Effect of two dipping pretreatment on drying kinetics of golden berry (Physalis peruviana L.). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(1), 40–47.
Salari, H. (2016). (PDF) Effect of Potassium Carbonate and Sulfur on Quality Attributes of Green Raisin. ResearchGate.
Sharma, A. K., Naik, S., Sawant, S., & Kadam, P. (2017). (PDF) Evaluation of commercial dipping oil for production of quality raisins from Thompson Seedless grapes. Journal of Horticulture Science, . 12(2), 180-185.
Sharma, A. K., Somkuwar, R. G., & Naik, S. (2022). Evaluation of ethyl oleate and potassium carbonate in drying on vine methodology of raisin making under tropical conditions of India. Current Horticulture, 10 (2).
Shi, J., Pan, Z., Mchugh, & Wood, D. F. (2008). Effect of Berry Size and Sodium Hydroxide Pretreatment on the Drying Characteristics of Blueberries under Infrared Radiation Heating. Journal of Food Science, 73(6), 259-65. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2008.00816.x.
Tan, N., Konak, R., Cicek, E., Kosoglu, I., Sahin, B., Çiçek, E., Fig Research Institute, Kösoğlu, İ., Fig Research Institute, & Şahin, B. (2018). Effect of Different Drying Techniques on Some Functional Properties of Dried Fig. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 2(4), 327–334.
Tarhan, S. (2007). Selection of chemical and thermal pretreatment combination for plum drying at low and moderate drying air temperatures . Journal of Food Engineering.
USDA. (2024). Potassium Hydroxide TR 1_22_16 Final.Pdf (Technical Evaluation Report No. TR 1-22-16 Final; Potassium Hydroxide, pp. 1–13). USDA Agricultural Marketing Science.
USDA/NOP. (2023). 2023 Technical Report Potassium Cabonate (pp. 1–29) [Full Scope Technical Evaluation Report]. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for the USDA National Organic Program.
Venkatram, A., Padmavathamma, A. S., Vijaya, D., Siva Sankar, A., Manorama, K., & Rao, B. S. (2017). Studies on Various Concentrations of Antioxidants with Alkaline Emulsion of Ethyl Oleate as Pre-Treatment on Rate of Drying, Yield and Colour of Raisins Prepared from Seedless Grape (Vitis vinifera L.). International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(8), 2785–2793.
WHO/FAO. (2021). STANDARD FOR OLIVE OILS AND OLIVE POMACE OILS CXS 33-1981 (Codex Alimentarius International Food Standards No. CXS 33-1981; pp. 1–9).
Yadav, K. U., & Swami, S. B. (2024). Effect of Pre-treatments and Open Sun Drying of Grapes on its Quality. International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology, 14(1), 343–360.
Yusufi, M. M., & Yamada, R. (2017). Pre and Postharvest Losses and Marketing of Grapes in Afghanistan: Case Study in Mirbachakot, Shakardara and Kalakan Districts of Kabul. International Society of Envirtonmental and Rural Development, 8(1), 156–162.