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Research is pivotal in advancing human knowledge and driving societal growth and development. The culmination of human achievement and progress often stems from the outcomes of experiments and research endeavors, showcasing the depth of human talent and intellectual prowess. Research endeavors catalyze discovering novel solutions to society and individuals' multifaceted challenges. In the realm of social sciences, research typically falls into two categories: basic and applied research. Both categories are indispensable. Basic research forms the foundation upon which applied research builds, as it seeks to answer fundamental questions and lay the groundwork for practical applications. Applied research, on the other hand, brings these insights to life by addressing real-world problems across various domains, such as social, economic, and political issues. Examples of applied research include marketing research and evaluation research. These practical research efforts yield tangible benefits, fostering social welfare and catalyzing societal development.


Research Applied Fundamentals Research Method Research Importance

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How to Cite
Mohammadi, M. H. . (2025). A Study of the Importance, Characteristics, and Effects of Applied Research. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(2), 292–300.


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