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This article employs an analytical approach to assess the advantages and intrinsic worth of integrating religious principles and societal requirements into educational curricula, a practice deemed indispensable and pertinent in any educational system. The research findings underscore the profound significance of heeding religious regulations to fulfill societal needs, with far-reaching benefits in intent and implementation. This approach enriches our educational curricula with moral and religious values and substantially enhances human life. Furthermore, it equips us to effectively address our needs and compete effectively within the ever-evolving development landscape. Conversely, disregarding this pivotal aspect amounts to a futile pursuit of ill-defined objectives and the quest for temporary comforts, mirroring the actions of others. Such negligence results in unfulfilled needs and perpetuates the burden borne by society.


Values Need Norms Educational Curriculum Society Religion Regulation Rules

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How to Cite
Khadarkhil, K. M. . (2025). Development of a Curriculum Based On Religious Regulations and the Needs of Society. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(2), 244–258.


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