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Research is a systematic way of finding answers to unknown questions or exploring the nature of existing problems. Research is usually conducted to answer a question or solve a problem. Research is a fundamental tool for scientific inquiry, as it allows researchers to test hypotheses based on clear definitions, criteria, and procedures. Knowing the different research types will help researcher’s better design research projects, select the most suitable methods and techniques to achieve valid results, and communicate their findings with other researchers online or in books. This scientific article uses the descriptive research method, which mainly gathers information from books and scientific papers, to introduce the types of research to the readers so that they can plan and carry out high-quality scientific research in the future using this information. The results of this research divide academic research based on objectives of research, data collection, and types of data into several aspects, of which details will be discussed in the following sections of this article.


Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Fundamental Research Applied Research Explanatory Research Causal Research Historical Research

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How to Cite
Salari, M. W. ., Wardak, M. S., & Shafiq, K. (2025). Research and Research Types. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(2), 45–71.


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