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Aflatoxins are hazardous fungal toxin that produces in sufficient moisture, heat and preservation unfit condition and could brought about serious hazards to consumer health. The aim of this study is the systematic review and its economic losses of the Aflatoxin M1 incidence in raw, pasteurized and UHT milk in the world. Articles, guidelines and specific databases such as SID, PubMed, Scirus, Elsevier, Science Direct and WHO sits were searched for related topics cited. Contamination in cold season was higher than heat season. Milk is one of the most complete foods and its contamination is serious risk for public health and have adverse effects on humans, animals, and crops that result in illnesses and economic losses. Notify Aflatoxin M1 reduction methods in milk and dairy products are necessary.
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- IARC Mycotoxins maximum permissible level in food and feed. . 1st Revision of standard number 5925. International Agency for Research on Cancer (1998).
- Gigli I. Milk Proteins: From Structure to Biological Properties and Health Aspects: BoD–Books on Demand; (2016).
- Yildyrim E, Ilina L, Laptev GY, Zaitsev SY. Influence of Zaslon®-Fito enterosorbent of mycotoxins on rumen microbiome and productivity of dairy cows (2019);. Agricultural Biology .54(6): 53. -144.
- Tudu S, Ranjan A, Kumari P, Choudhary A. Aflatoxin M1 in Milk of Cow in Relation to Lactation Period and Yields;. (2020) IJRESM. 10-10107: (10)3.
- Van der Fels-Klerx H, Vermeulen L, Gavai A, Liu C. Climate change impacts on aflatoxin B1 in maize and aflatoxin M1 in milk: A case study of maize grown in Eastern Europe and imported to the Netherlands;. (2019)) PloS One14-1: (6)14.
- Hussain I, Anwar J, Asi MR, Munawar MA, Kashif M. Aflatoxin M1 contamination in milk from five dairy species in Pakistan. (2010); Food control. 4-122: (2)221.
- Rahimi E, Bonyadian M, Rafei M, Kazemeini H. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in raw milk of five dairy species in Ahvaz, Iran. FCT -31-129:( 1)48:2010.
- Set E, Erkmen O. The aflatoxin contamination of ground red pepper and pistachio nuts sold in Turkey. FCT.37,-2532:(9-8)48
- Creppy EE. Update of survey, regulation and toxic effects of mycotoxins in Europe. Toxicology letters. 28-19:(3-1)127;2002
- ISIRI. Mycotoxins maximum permissible level in food and feed. . 1st Revision of standard number 5925. Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran; 2009.[Farsi]
- Rasti-Ardakany M, Ranjbari AR, Hydari MR. Aflatoxin M1 Contamination Rate in Pasteurized Milk in Isfahan City, Iran. (2018); JHSR; 271-265 :( 2)14. Farsi
- Ali Nia F, Babaee Z. Determination of aflatoxin M1 in Mazandaran Province at the first half of (2012); 0. JMUMS 6-40 :( 93)22.
- Behfar A, Khorasgani ZN, Alemzadeh Z, Goudarzi M, Ebrahimi R, Tarhani N. Determination of Aflatoxin M1 levels in produced pasteurized milk in Ahvaz City by using HPLC. ((2012) ;JJNPP; (2)7:
- Ghiasian, S.A., Maghsood, A.H., Neyestani, T. and Mirhendi, S.H. Occurrence of Aflatoxin M1 in raw milk during the summer and winter seasons in Hamedan, Iran. Journal of Food Safety,; (2007)27: 188-198.
- Alborzi, S., Pourabbas, B. and Rashidi, M. Aflatoxin M1 contamination in pasteurized milk in Shiraz. (2006)Food Control, 17: 582-594.
- Tajik, H., Rohani, S.M. and Moradi, M., Detection of Aflatoxin M1 in raw and commercial pasteurized milk in urmia, iran. Pakistan Iournal of Biological Science, (2007) 10(22): 4103-4107.
- Rohani FG, Aminaee MM, Kianfar M. Survey of aflatoxin M1 in cow's milk for human consumption in Kerman Province of Iran. FAC: Part B ;(2011) 4(3): 191-4.
- Mohajeri A, Mohajeri F, Amiri A, Khorramdel Azad H, Ahmadi Z, Asadollahi Z, et al. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in raw and pasteurized milk produced in Ardabil, Iran. Journal of Community Health Research; (2015)9-215 :(3)4.
- Gholampour, A.I., Khoushnevis, S.H. and Hashemi, S.J. Aflatoxin M1 level in pasteurized and sterilized milk of Babol city. Tehran University Medical Journal, (2007). 65: 20-24 [In Farsi].
- Muhammad K, Tipu MY, Abbas M, Khan AM, Anjum AA. Monitoring of aflatoxin M1 in market raw milk in Lahore City, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. (2010); 42(6):697-700.
- Lee JE, Kwak B-M, Ahn J-H, Jeon T-H. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in raw milk in South Korea using an immunoaffnity column and liquid chromatography. Food Control. 2009; 20(2):136-38.
- Kos J, Lević J, Đuragić O, Kokić B, Miladinović I.Occurrence and estimation of aflatoxin M1 exposure in milk in Serbia. Food Control. (2014); 38:41-46.
- Riazipour, M., Tavokoli, H.R., Razzaghi-Abyaneh, M., Rafati, H. and Sadr Momtaz, M.T. Measuring the amount of M1 Aflatoxin in pasteurized milk. Kowsar Medical Journal, (2010); 15: 89-93 [In Farsi].
- Tajkarimi M, Shojaee Aliabadi F, Salah Nejad M, Pursoltani H, Motallebi AA, Mahdavi H. Seasonal study of aflatoxin M1 contamination in milk in five regions in Iran. Int J Food Microbiol (2007); 116(3): 346-349.
- Oveisi, M.R., Jannat, B., Sadeghi, N., Hajimahmoodi, M. and Nikzad, A. Presence of Aflatoxin M1 in milk and infant milk production Tehran, iran. Food Control, (2007); 18: 1216-1218.
- Khaneghahi Abyaneh H, Bahonar A, Noori N, Yazdanpanah H, Shojaee Aliabadi MH. Aflatoxin M1 in raw, pasteurized and UHT milk marketed in Iran. FAC: Part B. (2019); 44-236 :(4)12.
- Hussein, H.S. and Brasel, J.M. Toxicity, metabolism, and impact of mycotoxins on humans and animals, Toxicology (2001), 167: 101-134.
- Unusan, N. Occurrence of Aflatoxin M1 in Uht Milk in Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, (2006) 44, 1897-1900.
- Pardakhti A, Maleki S. Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 Contamination of Milk in Iran. IJER (2)13 (2019). 71-265.
- Zinedine A, Mañes J. Occurrence and legislation of mycotoxins in food and feed from Morocco. Food Control. ;(2009);20(4):334–44. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2008.07.002 Nabizadeh S, Shariatifar N, Shokoohi E, Shoeibi S, Gavahian M, Fakhri Y, et al. Prevalence and probabilistic health risk assessment of aflatoxins B 1, B 2, G 1, and G 2 in Iranian edible oils. ESPR; 2018.70-35562(35)25
- Ismair, Y. and Ruston, S. Aflatoxin in food and feed: occurrence, legislation and inactivation by physical mthods. Food Chemistry, (1996). 59(1): 57-67.
- Tajkarimi M, Aliabadi-Sh F, Nejad AS, Poursoltani H, Motallebi A, Mahdavi H. Aflatoxin M1 contamination in winter and summer milk in 14 states in Iran;. (2008) FC. 36-1033(11)19.
- Pour noormohammadi Sh, Ansari M, Nezakati Alfata L. Determination of aflatoxin m1 in pasteurized milk consumed in Rashed province. JKUMS-271: (3)16;201.80 Farsi.
- Akkaya L, Birdaney YO, Oguz H, Cemek M. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in yogurt samples from Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. Bull; (2009)
- Nazari A, Nourouzi H, Movahedi M, Khaksarian M. Measurement of aflatoxin m1 in raw and pasteurized cow milk samples by HPLC;(2007) YAFTEH. 56-49 :(3)9; Farsi.
- Doster M, Michailides T. Aspergillus molds and aflatoxins in pis.;(1990) PP; 1994. 90-583 :(6)84.
- Moretti A, Pascale M, Logrieco AF. Mycotoxin risks under a climate change scenario in Europe. TFST . 40-38:84.
- Milićević D, Petronijević R, Petrović Z, Đjinović‐Stojanović J, Jovanović J, Baltić T, Janković S. Impact of climate change on aflatoxin M1 contamination of raw milk with special focus on climate conditions in Serbia. ;(2019) JSFA. 10-5202 :(11)99.
- Shekhar M, Singh N, Bisht S, Singh V, Kumar A. Effects of Climate Change on Occurrence of Aflatoxin and its Impacts on Maize in India. ;(2018) .Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci. 16-109 ;(6)7.
- Yu J, Wu F, Hennessy DA. The impact of climate change on aflatoxin contamination in US corn. ;(2018) Annual Meeting, August 5-7, Washington, D.C., Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
- Gizachew D, Chang C-H, Szonyi B, De La Torre S, Ting W-tE. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1(production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus on ground Nyjer seeds: The effect of water activity and temperature;. (2019) IJFM.13-8 :296.
- Udomkun P, Tirawattanawanich C, Ilukor J, Sridonpai P, Njukwe E, Nimbona P, Vanlauwe B. Promoting the use of locally produced crops in making cereal-legume-based composite flours: An assessment of nutrient, antinutrient, mineral molar ratios, and aflatoxin content. FC.8-651 :286; (2019).
- Ansari F, Pourjafar H, Christensen L. A study on the aflatoxin M1 rate and seasonal variation in pasteurized cow milk from northwestern Iran.;(2019). EMA-6 :(1)191.
- Alizadeh-Choobari O, Najafi M. Extreme weather events in Iran under a changing climate. CD ;(2018). 60-249: (2-1)50.
- FAO. Gateway to dairy production and products. Milk and milk products dairy-production-products/products/en/. 2017.
- Ismail A, Akhtar S, Levin RE, Ismail T, Riaz M, Amir M. Aflatoxin M1: Prevalence and decontamination strategies in milk and milk products; (2018) CRM.-418: (3) 42.27.
- Karim, G. Study on the contamination of raw bulk milk with aflatoxin M1 in Tehran area using ELISA method. J. of Paj.and Saz. (1998) 40-42, 163-165.
- Dashti B, Al-Hamli S, Alomirah H, Al-Zenki S, Bu Abbas A, Sawaya W. Levels of aflatoxin M1 in milk,cheese consumed in Kuwait and occurrence of totalaflatoxin in local and imported animal feed. Food Control; (2009) 686-690.
- Shundo , Occurrence and estimative of aflatoxin M1 intake in UHT cow milk in Paraná State, BrazilFood Control, Volume 53, ; (2015), Pp. 222-225.
IARC Mycotoxins maximum permissible level in food and feed. . 1st Revision of standard number 5925. International Agency for Research on Cancer (1998).
Gigli I. Milk Proteins: From Structure to Biological Properties and Health Aspects: BoD–Books on Demand; (2016).
Yildyrim E, Ilina L, Laptev GY, Zaitsev SY. Influence of Zaslon®-Fito enterosorbent of mycotoxins on rumen microbiome and productivity of dairy cows (2019);. Agricultural Biology .54(6): 53. -144.
Tudu S, Ranjan A, Kumari P, Choudhary A. Aflatoxin M1 in Milk of Cow in Relation to Lactation Period and Yields;. (2020) IJRESM. 10-10107: (10)3.
Van der Fels-Klerx H, Vermeulen L, Gavai A, Liu C. Climate change impacts on aflatoxin B1 in maize and aflatoxin M1 in milk: A case study of maize grown in Eastern Europe and imported to the Netherlands;. (2019)) PloS One14-1: (6)14.
Hussain I, Anwar J, Asi MR, Munawar MA, Kashif M. Aflatoxin M1 contamination in milk from five dairy species in Pakistan. (2010); Food control. 4-122: (2)221.
Rahimi E, Bonyadian M, Rafei M, Kazemeini H. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in raw milk of five dairy species in Ahvaz, Iran. FCT -31-129:( 1)48:2010.
Set E, Erkmen O. The aflatoxin contamination of ground red pepper and pistachio nuts sold in Turkey. FCT.37,-2532:(9-8)48
Creppy EE. Update of survey, regulation and toxic effects of mycotoxins in Europe. Toxicology letters. 28-19:(3-1)127;2002
ISIRI. Mycotoxins maximum permissible level in food and feed. . 1st Revision of standard number 5925. Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran; 2009.[Farsi]
Rasti-Ardakany M, Ranjbari AR, Hydari MR. Aflatoxin M1 Contamination Rate in Pasteurized Milk in Isfahan City, Iran. (2018); JHSR; 271-265 :( 2)14. Farsi
Ali Nia F, Babaee Z. Determination of aflatoxin M1 in Mazandaran Province at the first half of (2012); 0. JMUMS 6-40 :( 93)22.
Behfar A, Khorasgani ZN, Alemzadeh Z, Goudarzi M, Ebrahimi R, Tarhani N. Determination of Aflatoxin M1 levels in produced pasteurized milk in Ahvaz City by using HPLC. ((2012) ;JJNPP; (2)7:
Ghiasian, S.A., Maghsood, A.H., Neyestani, T. and Mirhendi, S.H. Occurrence of Aflatoxin M1 in raw milk during the summer and winter seasons in Hamedan, Iran. Journal of Food Safety,; (2007)27: 188-198.
Alborzi, S., Pourabbas, B. and Rashidi, M. Aflatoxin M1 contamination in pasteurized milk in Shiraz. (2006)Food Control, 17: 582-594.
Tajik, H., Rohani, S.M. and Moradi, M., Detection of Aflatoxin M1 in raw and commercial pasteurized milk in urmia, iran. Pakistan Iournal of Biological Science, (2007) 10(22): 4103-4107.
Rohani FG, Aminaee MM, Kianfar M. Survey of aflatoxin M1 in cow's milk for human consumption in Kerman Province of Iran. FAC: Part B ;(2011) 4(3): 191-4.
Mohajeri A, Mohajeri F, Amiri A, Khorramdel Azad H, Ahmadi Z, Asadollahi Z, et al. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in raw and pasteurized milk produced in Ardabil, Iran. Journal of Community Health Research; (2015)9-215 :(3)4.
Gholampour, A.I., Khoushnevis, S.H. and Hashemi, S.J. Aflatoxin M1 level in pasteurized and sterilized milk of Babol city. Tehran University Medical Journal, (2007). 65: 20-24 [In Farsi].
Muhammad K, Tipu MY, Abbas M, Khan AM, Anjum AA. Monitoring of aflatoxin M1 in market raw milk in Lahore City, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. (2010); 42(6):697-700.
Lee JE, Kwak B-M, Ahn J-H, Jeon T-H. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in raw milk in South Korea using an immunoaffnity column and liquid chromatography. Food Control. 2009; 20(2):136-38.
Kos J, Lević J, Đuragić O, Kokić B, Miladinović I.Occurrence and estimation of aflatoxin M1 exposure in milk in Serbia. Food Control. (2014); 38:41-46.
Riazipour, M., Tavokoli, H.R., Razzaghi-Abyaneh, M., Rafati, H. and Sadr Momtaz, M.T. Measuring the amount of M1 Aflatoxin in pasteurized milk. Kowsar Medical Journal, (2010); 15: 89-93 [In Farsi].
Tajkarimi M, Shojaee Aliabadi F, Salah Nejad M, Pursoltani H, Motallebi AA, Mahdavi H. Seasonal study of aflatoxin M1 contamination in milk in five regions in Iran. Int J Food Microbiol (2007); 116(3): 346-349.
Oveisi, M.R., Jannat, B., Sadeghi, N., Hajimahmoodi, M. and Nikzad, A. Presence of Aflatoxin M1 in milk and infant milk production Tehran, iran. Food Control, (2007); 18: 1216-1218.
Khaneghahi Abyaneh H, Bahonar A, Noori N, Yazdanpanah H, Shojaee Aliabadi MH. Aflatoxin M1 in raw, pasteurized and UHT milk marketed in Iran. FAC: Part B. (2019); 44-236 :(4)12.
Hussein, H.S. and Brasel, J.M. Toxicity, metabolism, and impact of mycotoxins on humans and animals, Toxicology (2001), 167: 101-134.
Unusan, N. Occurrence of Aflatoxin M1 in Uht Milk in Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, (2006) 44, 1897-1900.
Pardakhti A, Maleki S. Risk Assessment of Aflatoxin M1 Contamination of Milk in Iran. IJER (2)13 (2019). 71-265.
Zinedine A, Mañes J. Occurrence and legislation of mycotoxins in food and feed from Morocco. Food Control. ;(2009);20(4):334–44. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2008.07.002 Nabizadeh S, Shariatifar N, Shokoohi E, Shoeibi S, Gavahian M, Fakhri Y, et al. Prevalence and probabilistic health risk assessment of aflatoxins B 1, B 2, G 1, and G 2 in Iranian edible oils. ESPR; 2018.70-35562(35)25
Ismair, Y. and Ruston, S. Aflatoxin in food and feed: occurrence, legislation and inactivation by physical mthods. Food Chemistry, (1996). 59(1): 57-67.
Tajkarimi M, Aliabadi-Sh F, Nejad AS, Poursoltani H, Motallebi A, Mahdavi H. Aflatoxin M1 contamination in winter and summer milk in 14 states in Iran;. (2008) FC. 36-1033(11)19.
Pour noormohammadi Sh, Ansari M, Nezakati Alfata L. Determination of aflatoxin m1 in pasteurized milk consumed in Rashed province. JKUMS-271: (3)16;201.80 Farsi.
Akkaya L, Birdaney YO, Oguz H, Cemek M. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in yogurt samples from Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. Bull; (2009)
Nazari A, Nourouzi H, Movahedi M, Khaksarian M. Measurement of aflatoxin m1 in raw and pasteurized cow milk samples by HPLC;(2007) YAFTEH. 56-49 :(3)9; Farsi.
Doster M, Michailides T. Aspergillus molds and aflatoxins in pis.;(1990) PP; 1994. 90-583 :(6)84.
Moretti A, Pascale M, Logrieco AF. Mycotoxin risks under a climate change scenario in Europe. TFST . 40-38:84.
Milićević D, Petronijević R, Petrović Z, Đjinović‐Stojanović J, Jovanović J, Baltić T, Janković S. Impact of climate change on aflatoxin M1 contamination of raw milk with special focus on climate conditions in Serbia. ;(2019) JSFA. 10-5202 :(11)99.
Shekhar M, Singh N, Bisht S, Singh V, Kumar A. Effects of Climate Change on Occurrence of Aflatoxin and its Impacts on Maize in India. ;(2018) .Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci. 16-109 ;(6)7.
Yu J, Wu F, Hennessy DA. The impact of climate change on aflatoxin contamination in US corn. ;(2018) Annual Meeting, August 5-7, Washington, D.C., Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Gizachew D, Chang C-H, Szonyi B, De La Torre S, Ting W-tE. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1(production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus on ground Nyjer seeds: The effect of water activity and temperature;. (2019) IJFM.13-8 :296.
Udomkun P, Tirawattanawanich C, Ilukor J, Sridonpai P, Njukwe E, Nimbona P, Vanlauwe B. Promoting the use of locally produced crops in making cereal-legume-based composite flours: An assessment of nutrient, antinutrient, mineral molar ratios, and aflatoxin content. FC.8-651 :286; (2019).
Ansari F, Pourjafar H, Christensen L. A study on the aflatoxin M1 rate and seasonal variation in pasteurized cow milk from northwestern Iran.;(2019). EMA-6 :(1)191.
Alizadeh-Choobari O, Najafi M. Extreme weather events in Iran under a changing climate. CD ;(2018). 60-249: (2-1)50.
FAO. Gateway to dairy production and products. Milk and milk products dairy-production-products/products/en/. 2017.
Ismail A, Akhtar S, Levin RE, Ismail T, Riaz M, Amir M. Aflatoxin M1: Prevalence and decontamination strategies in milk and milk products; (2018) CRM.-418: (3) 42.27.
Karim, G. Study on the contamination of raw bulk milk with aflatoxin M1 in Tehran area using ELISA method. J. of Paj.and Saz. (1998) 40-42, 163-165.
Dashti B, Al-Hamli S, Alomirah H, Al-Zenki S, Bu Abbas A, Sawaya W. Levels of aflatoxin M1 in milk,cheese consumed in Kuwait and occurrence of totalaflatoxin in local and imported animal feed. Food Control; (2009) 686-690.
Shundo , Occurrence and estimative of aflatoxin M1 intake in UHT cow milk in Paraná State, BrazilFood Control, Volume 53, ; (2015), Pp. 222-225.