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Hydrocarbon systems are technically related to multi-component gas because they are used in science and technology, especially to enrich gas mixtures with specific components. The aim of this study is to study the mechanical imbalance and imbalance when mixing the emission of multi-component systems and also to study the areas of mechanical imbalance in a partial gas mixture with dilute gas. In this paper, according to the conditions and rules of gas mass transfer, a review of graphic results, theoretical, mathematical and technical advances. Comes from experiences to be discussed. Finally, the effects of argon, nitrogen, helium, oxygen, and carbon dioxide on mechanical equilibrium violations are studied.


Mechanical Equilibrium Instability Diluent Gas Gas Emission Mass Transfer Multicomponent

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How to Cite
Ebtekar, S. S. . (2025). Experimental Study of Mechanical Equilibrium Instability in A Dilute Gas Multi-Component System. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(4), 167–177.


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