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This study examined graph clustering as a combinatorial optimization problem and evaluated the computational complexity of related algorithms. The main objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between multi-cluster objectives and modularity-based goals and to identify the limitations of modularity in graph clustering. This qualitative review study employed mathematical analyses and tests with various algorithms. The findings showed that graph clustering, due to its exponential search space, is an NP-hard problem, and modularity, despite its widespread use, suffers from a resolution limit and cannot accurately detect small-scale clusters. The results also highlighted the superiority of multi-cluster objectives in identifying more subtle structures. By confirming previous findings and offering new insights, this research provided a deeper understanding of optimization and graph clustering and suggested pathways to enhance existing algorithms.


Clustering Optimization Graph Network Community detection

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How to Cite
Ahmadi, E. A., & Danish, B. (1403). Graph Clustering. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 7(4), 343–370.


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