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Nowadays, many laboratory and traditional methods have been developed to determine the quality of honey, which each of them has own characteristics. Usually, traditional methods are quick, easy and cheap, but they have less accuracy, unlike, laboratory methods have sufficient accuracy, but require more costs and facilities. Honey is an ancient valuable food and in most cases has enchanted its consumers by its medic characteristics. Unfortunately, in recent years honey frauds have increased, which has led to distrust and lack of interest of consumers in this valuable product. Recognition of adulterated and poor quality honey in most countries are done in two ways; Laboratory and traditional. Spectroscopy methods are among the most widely used, fast, accurate and non-destructive methods, in addition, chromatography methods are extremely accurate but require more time and money.


Honey Traditional method Laboratory method Fraud Spectroscopy Chromatography

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How to Cite
Sarwary, N. A. (2025). Studying the application of precise laboratory and traditional methods to identify pure honey. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(3), 175–187.


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