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Different animals, including human, show sensitivity to certain plants, which sometimes threaten them to the point of death. There are some plants in the world and in our beloved country, Afghanistan, which look very beautiful and attractive, but when animals take them, they cause illness and even death, that directly affects the owner and causes indirect damage to the country. Therefore, in this article, an effort has been made to identify these poisonous plants so that farmers and professionals can protect themselves and their animals from the harm and damage of these plants. Or if the animals are suffering, then what methods and medicines should be used in order to treat and prevent them at the right time.


poisonous plants pastures animals poisonous plants of Afghanistan poisonous plants of the world

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How to Cite
Safi, M. A. . (2025). Poisonous Plants of Afghanistan’s Pastures and Their Bad Effects on Animals. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(3), 157–164.


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