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Nowadays, pets are considered mates of man. Taking care of these animals is one of responsibilities of owners and veterinarians. Vaccination is one of the simplest and at the same time the most important works which plays a critical role in control and prevention of diseases. There are many different vaccines in dogs and cats that administrations of some are necessary and administration of the others is optional and related to lifestyle and the diseases that are common in that region. On the other hand, there are many factors affecting the efficacy of these vaccines and may lead to vaccination failure. In this paper types of vaccines in dogs and cats and their failure causes are discussed.      


Kind of Vaccines Failure Efficacy Vaccination Dog and Cat

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How to Cite
Afshar, M. F. (2025). Common vaccines applied in dogs and cats and their failure causes. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(3), 145–156.


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