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This research study is focusing on the need of multithreading in programming, its challenges and the various issues related to a multithreaded program. Different programming languages support multithreading, python is also among them. A multithreaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle different tasks at the same time which allows the optimal use of available resources. The outcomes of this practical and experimental research shows that multithreading is based on the idea of multitasking in applications where specific operations within a single application are subdivided into individual threads. With multithreading each of the threads can run in parallel. The operating system divides processing time among each thread with in an application.


Program Multithreading Race Condition Threads Synchronization

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How to Cite
Hamdard, M. S. . (2025). Role of Multithreading in Program Development. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(3), 165–174.


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