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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges in the world and has devastating and unfortunate effects on the forest ecosystem. The forest ecosystem is sensitive to climate change. Therefore, climate change has significant effects on the distribution of types, growth, and structure of forests. Climate change affects the growth, mortality, and reproduction of trees in the forest. The increase in temperature has changed the life cycle of trees with early buds, leafing, and flowering, and overall, climate change changes forest ecosystems directly and indirectly. An increase in temperature directly affects the speed of the process of organic synthesis and plant respiration, and also indirectly by increasing the risk of pest infestation in the forest ecosystem. Climate change affects the carbon cycle, forest structure, composition of forest types, and forest performance.


impacts of climate change disturbance forest ecosystems carbon

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How to Cite
Stanikzai, K. . (2025). Impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(3), 189–196.


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