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The purpose of this article is study of three common lamb rearing systems in commercial farms and large flocks of sheep. Common lambs rearing systems in commercial farms of sheep are the system in which lambs are fed by the milk substitute (SYS-1), the system in which lambs are partially sucked ewes (SYE-2) and the system in which lambs only suck ewes in the period before weaning from milk (SYS-3). Lambs rearing systems have a significant effect on sheep milk production but do not have a significant effect on lamb’s growth. As the ewes their lambs reared on the first system, they produce 202±7 kg milk, the ewes their lambs reared on the second system, they produce 185±7 kg milk and the lowest milk 136±6 kg produce by ewes their lambs are reared on the third system. In this article, the influence of lambs rearing systems on growth and Milk yield has been reviewed.


Rearing Systems Lambs Milk Growth Dairy Ewes.

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How to Cite
Habibi, E. . (2025). A Review of the Influence of Lambs Rearing Systems on Growth and Milk . Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(3), 113–121.


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