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Having an aquarium is one of the cheap, accessible and suitable ways to get in touch with nature which has a significant effect in reducing stress and decorating houses and workplaces. In this review, the importance of the aquarium and its construction method (components, construction materials, shape and size, and construction method), and the care of the aquarium (water conditions, materials for construction, the appropriate number of fish in an aquarium, types of aquarium fish and their feeding) has been discussed. The content of this review could be a great guide for people interested in having an aquarium and aquarium owners, and with the proximity of people with a small, accessible nature, it can play an essential role in reducing mental pressure and decorating homes and workplaces.  


Aquarium Construction Supervision Water Food Feeding

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How to Cite
Farkhary, S. I. . (2025). A Review on How to Build and Care for an Aquarium. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 6(3), 99–111.


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