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The study and assessment of streamflow regimes is an important and valuable topic in a watershed with practical benefits and significant theoretical significance. Streamflow assessment refers to the evaluation of the flowing water characteristic within a watershed that continuously contributes to the overall water discharge of a river. Streamflow is a crucial component in the water balance and plays a critical role in the life of rivers and the impacts on wetlands and marshes. Assessing the characteristics of water flow regimes based on observation and analysis relies on the principles of mathematical probability theory. In this article, the study of streamflow regime characteristics at the Dhaka station is conducted based on this principle. A comprehensive discussion on the streamflow regime at the Dhaka station is presented using various statistical methods, including tables and figures for analysis. At the end of the article, conclusions are offered based on the studies and findings.


Hydrology Water Resources Flow Regime Monthly/Yearly Mean Dhaka Station

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How to Cite
Reshteen, S., Noori, A. S., & Khawas, M. K. (2024). Study and Analysis of Flow Regime in Dhaka Station. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 7(1), 23–38.