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This article first provides a brief overview of the achievements of mathematicians in the field of geometry before the time of Abu Rayhan Mohammad bin Ahmad al-Biruni. Al-Biruni made significant contributions through his important research, which yielded valuable results that provided research methods for mathematicians in various fields. Using the results obtained by al-Biruni, mathematicians studied methods that could determine the radius of the Earth. Finally, the achievements of Abu Rayhan Mohammad bin Ahmad al-Biruni have been reviewed by other mathematicians in various fields, and his work continues to be used in research.


Aangle Height Length Radius Trigonometric Functions

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How to Cite
Sarhang, M. (2020). Scrutinizing Abu Rayhan al-Biruni’s Views About Discernment of Length and Radius of Earth. Journal of Natural Sciences – Kabul University, 3(1), 275–284.


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