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No prior scientific study has investigated the effects of nitrogen fertilizers on wheat cultivation in Uruzgan. To address this gap, a study titled "The Effects of Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rates on Wheat Growth and Yield in Uruzgan" was conducted in 1399 (2020) in an agricultural area of Uruzgan. The research aimed to evaluate the impact of various nitrogen fertilizer rates using a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Six different nitrogen application rates—control (0), 40, 80, 120, 160, and 180 kg per hectare—were tested across six treatments with three replications, resulting in a total of 18 plots. Fixed amounts of phosphorus fertilizer were uniformly applied to all treatments. Farmers in Uruzgan often struggle to determine the optimal amount of nitrogen fertilizer to achieve maximum wheat yields. Compounding this challenge, rising fertilizer costs have made adequate application unaffordable for many farmers. As a result, wheat production in the region remains suboptimal. This study was essential to provide Uruzgan's farmers with precise guidelines on the appropriate nitrogen fertilizer rates required for maximum yields under the climatic conditions of central Uruzgan (Tirin Kot). Through Allah's grace, a standard study was successfully conducted to identify the nitrogen requirements for wheat cultivation in the region. The findings are expected to benefit farmers, agricultural students, university professors, and officials in Uruzgan's Directorate of Agriculture and Irrigation. During the study, various parameters were measured, including plant height, number of leaves, and tiller count during the growth phase, as well as spike weight, 1,000-grain weight (in grams), total grain yield (kg/ha), gross return, and net return.
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Baethgen, W.T., Christianson, C.B., & Garcý´a Lamothe, A. (1993). Nitrogen fertilizer effects on growth, grain yield, and yield components of malting barley. Field Crops Res, 43, 87–99.
Boukef, S., Karmous, C. Y., Trifa, Y., & Rezgui, S. (2013). Nitrogen sources effect on durum wheat (Triticum durum desf.) yield and yield components under Mediterranean rainfed environment, Canadian Journal of Plant Breeding, 1(1),15-22.
Fischer, R.A. 1993. Irrigated spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and timing and amount of nitrogen fertilizer. II. Physiology of grain yields response. Field Crop Res. 33, 57–80.
Frank. & Bauer. (1982). Effects of temperature and fertilizer Nitrogen on apex development in spring wheat (Triticume astiume L.).Agron. J. 7(4),504-509.
Golik, S.I., Chidichimo, H.O., & Sarandón, S.J. (2005). Biomass production, nitrogen accumulation and yield in Wheat under two tillage systems and nitrogen supply in the Argentine Rolling Pampa. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences ,1 (1), 36-41.
Gooding. & Davies. (1997). Wheat Production and Utilization. CAB Int. Walling ford, UK.
Iqbal, A., Akbar, N., Khan, H. Z. & Bakar, M.A. (2010). Influence of nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield of two wheat varieties. Crop and environment 1(1), 57-58.
Kandil, E.E.E. (2013). Response of some maize hybrids (Zea mays L.) to different levels of nitrogenous Fertilization.Journal of Applied Sciences Research 9(3): 1902-1908.
Khan, H.Y., Jan, K.L., Marwat & Arif.(2009). Organic and inorganic nitrogen treatments effects of plant and yield attributes of maize in a different tillage system.Pak. J. of Bot. 41.
Khursheed., Mohammed Q., Maqsuda Q., & Mahammad. (2015). Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Wheat. Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 27(5), 19-28.
Mahmood, M. T., Maqsood, M., Awan, T. H., & Sarwar, R. (2001).Effect of different levels of nitrogen and intra-row plant spacing on yield and yield components of maize.Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 38: 1-2.
Malhi, S.S., Schoenau, J.J., & Vera, C.L. (2009). Influence of six successive annual applications of sulphur fertilizers on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a wheat–canola rotation on a sulphur deficient soil, Canadian Journal of Plant Science 89(4), 629-644.
Mehraban, A. (2013). The Effect of Different levels of Manure and Micro-nutrients on Yield and Some Physiological Properties of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 3 (22), 3102-3106.
Mengel, & Kirkby, (1996).Principles of Plant Nutrition, Panimo Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, India.
Nemati, A. R., & Sharifi, R. S. (2012). Effects of rates and nitrogen application timing on yield, agronomic characteristics and nitrogen use efficiency in corn (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 4(9), 534-539.
Raj, S, D., Singh, & Rao, V.U. (1992).Effect of date of sowing and row spacing on the yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).Crop Research (Hissar), 5 (2), 199-20
Reid, J.B. (2002). Yield response to nutrient supply across a wide range of conditions Model derivation. Field Crops Res. 77: 161-171.
Shah, S. M., Abdel-Azem, H. S., Abou El-Yazied, A., & El-Gizawy, A. M. (2009).Interactive effect of mineral nitrogen and biofertilization on the growth, chemical composition and yield of celeriac plant. European Journal of Scientific Research, 47(2), 248-255.
Shivay, Y. S., Singh, R. P., & Pandey, C. S. (1999). Response of nitrogen in maize (Zea mays)-based intercropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 44(2), 261-266.
Stenberg, M. (1998). Soil tillage influences on nitrogen conservation. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from: /AGR129/AGR129.HTM.
Stewart, W.M., Dibb, D.W., Johnston, A.E., & Smyth, T.J. (2005) .The contribution of commercial fertilizer nutrients to food production, Agron. Journal, 97, 1-6.
Tadesse, T., Dechassa, N., Bayu, W., & Gebeyehu, S. (2013).Effect of farmyard manure and inorganic fertilizer application on soil physic-chemical properties and nutrient balance in rain-fed lowland rice ecosystem. Am. J. Plant Sci, 4: 309-316.
Thind, H. S., Choudhary, O. P., Gupta, R. K., & Vashistha, M. (2013).Supplementing fertilizer nitrogen application to irrigated wheat at maximum tillering stage using chlorophyll meter and optical sensor. Agricultural Research, 2(1), 81-89.
Tittonell, P., Zingore, S., van Wijk, M.T., Corbeels, M., & Giller, K.E. (2007). Nutrient use efficiencies and crop responses to N, P and manure applications in Zimbabwean soils: Exploring management strategies across soil fertility gradients.
Tranavicienė, T., Siksnianiene, J.B., Urbonaviciute, A., Vaguseviciene, I., Samuoliene, G., Duchovskis, P., & Sliesaravicius, A. (2007).Effects of nitrogen fertilizers on wheat photosynthetic