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Water sources become scarce in dry and semi-dry areas and farmers in these areas are seeking techniques that solve the problem. One of those is mulch use as water-saving method. For this valuable issue, here is a review paper from sufficient research papers to see its results for the solving of the problem. Mulch has many benefits such as; soil moisture retention, decreasing soil erosion and hardness, managing soil temperature, decreasing diseases and pests, controlling weeds, and plants growth, increasing the yield, controlling salts effect, and improving soil productivity, besides that, sometimes have negative effect which is not considerable compare to its benefits. Those constraints could be decreasing soil pH, allelopathic effects, competition for sources, the occurrence of diseases and pests, flaming, Nitrogen deficiency, and weeds growing. Mulch has more types due to its source materials some are not economical and some are not applicable and seeing this characteristic, mulch suitability is needed. Mulching materials are divided into two categories such as organic materials mulch which is decomposable and non-organic materials such as plastics and sand mulch which is not decomposable. Based on research results, mulches election should be on, material type, ecological location, color, thickness, having pores, cost-effectiveness, suitability for growth, and accessibility to the area and field. But for high-yield and row-growing crops plastic mulch is recommended because it is light, easy to manage and covers soil better compared to organic mulch.
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- Abdrabbo, M.A.A.; Saleh, S.M.; Hashem, F.A. (2017)., Eggplant production under deficit irrigation and polyethylene mulch. Egypt J. Appl.Sci., 32, 148–161.
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- Adnan, A., Asif, M., Khalid, M., Basharat, A., Hayyat, M.S., Bilal, A.K., Hassan, M., Bashir Khan, M.A., Hanif, M.S., (2020), Role of mulches in agriculture: A review. International Journal of Botany Studies. Vol. 5; Iss. 3; No. 309-314.
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Ahmad, G.; Khan, A.A.; Mohamed, H.I. (2021)., Impact of the low and high concentrations of fly ash amended soil on growth, physiological response and yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex Poiret L.). Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2817068–17083.
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Ansari R, Marcar NE, Khanzada AN, Shirazi MU, Crawford DF (2001) Mulch application improves survival but not growth of Acacia ampliceps Maslin, Acacia niloticaL. and Conocarpuslancifolius L. on a saline site in southern Pakistan. Int. J. Rev 3:158–163.
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Boomika, R., Bhuvana B., Indianraj N. (2022). Role of Mulching in Dryland Agriculture. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Vol.; 2, Iss.; 1, 775-778.
Borst HL, Woodburn R (1942) The effect of mulching and methods of cultivation on runoff and erosion from Muskingham silt loam. J. Agric. Engin. 23:19–22.
Buggeln R, Rynk R (2002) Self-heating in yard trimmings: conditions leading to spontaneous combustion. Comp. Sci. Utiliz. 10:162–182.
Chakraborty D, Nagarajan S, Aggarwal P, Gupta VK, Tomar RK, Garg RN, Sahoo RN, Sarkar A, Chopra UK, Sarma KSS, Kalra N (2008) Effect of mulching on soil and plant water status, and the growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a semi-arid environment. Agric Water Manag. 95:1323–1334
Chalker-Scott L (2007) Impact of mulches on landscape plants and the environment - a review. J. Environ. Hortic. 25:239–249.
Chaudhary RS, Patnaik US, Dass A (2003). Efficacy of mulches in conserving monsoonal moisture for the Rabi crops. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 51:495–498.
Clemens J, Starr RK (1985) Field establishment of container grown plants. I: effects of weed control. J. Environ. Manage. 21:257–261.
Downer J, Hodel D (2001) The effects of mulching on establishment of Syagrus romanzoffiana(Cham.) Becc.,Washingtonia robusta H. Wendl. And Archontophoenix cunninghamiana(H. Wendl.)H.Wendl. and Drude in the landscape. Sci. Hortic. 87:85–92.
El-Beltagi, H.S.; Ahmad, I.; Basit, A.; Shehata, W.F.; Hassan, U.; Shah, S.T.; Haleema, B.; Jalal, A.; Amin, R.; Khalid, M.A.; et al. (2022), Ascorbic acid enhances growth and yield of sweet peppers (Capsicum annum) by mitigating salinity stress. Gesunde Pflanz., 74, 423–433.
El-Beltagi, H.S.; Hashem, F.A.; Maze, M.; Shalaby, T.A.; Shehata, W.F.; Taha, N.M. (2022), Control of gas emissions (N) associated with applied different rates of nitrogen and their influences on growth, productivity, and physio-biochemical attributes of green bean plants grown under different irrigation methods. Agronomy, 12, 249.
El-Beltagi, H.S.; Ullah, I.; Sajid, M.; Basit, A.; Shehata, W.F.; Shah, S.T.; Alturki, S.M.; Ullah, A.; Aziz, I.; Ali, F. (2022)., Influence of maturity stages on postharvest physico-chemical properties of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi var. ‘Shamber Tarnab’) under different storage durations. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca, 50, 12620.
Foreman GL, Rouse DI, Hudelson BD (2002) Wood chip mulch as a source of Verticilliumdahliae. Phyto. 92:S26 (abstract).
Foshee WG, Goff WD, Tilt KM, Williams JD, Bannon JS, Witt JB (1996) Organic mulches increase growth of young pecan trees. Hortic. Sci. 31:811–812.
Fraedrich SW, Ham DL (1982) Wood chip mulching around maples: effect on tree growth and soil characteristics. J. Arboric. 8:85–89.
Gan, Y.; Siddique, K.H.M.; Turner, N.C.; Li, X.G.; Niu, J.Y.; Yang, C.; Liu, L.; Chai, Q. (2013)., Ridge-Furrow mulching systems-an innovative technique for boosting crop productivity in semiarid rain-fed environments. Adv. Agron., 118, 429–476.
Gan, Y.T.; Huang, G.B.; Li, L.L.; Liu, J.H.; Hu, Y.G. (2008) Unique conservation tillage practices in northwest China. In No-Till Farming Systems, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation; Goddard, T., Zoebisch, M.A., Gan, Y., Ellis, W., Watson, A., Sombatpanit, S., Eds.; Funny Publishing: Bangkok, Thailand; pp. 429–445.
Gardiner ES, Yeiser JL (1998) Converting stands of low-grade hardwoods to loblolly pine: stimulating growth and reducing costs through litter retention. South. J. App. Res. 22:148–155.
Ghonaim, M.M.; Mohamed, H.I.; Omran, A.A.A. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. (2021), Evaluation of wheat salt stress tolerance using physiological parameters and retrotransposon-based markers. 68, 227–242.
Golla B (2021) Agricultural production system in arid and semi-arid regions. J Agric Sc Food Technol 7(2): 234-244. DOI:
Golla B (2021) Agricultural production system in arid and semi-arid regions. J Agric Sc Food Technol 7(2): 234-244. DOI:
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