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In this article, a brief overview of the surface water of Logar province and the effects of climate change on it are evaluated. Several years of information related to air temperature, rainfall, and water flow have been collected and subjected to comprehensive research, and the effects of climate change on these parameters have been evaluated. At the end of the article, the problems and damages caused to Logar's surface water due to climate change have been evaluated and appropriate solutions have been suggested. In the research area, most of which is related to Pul-e- Alam and a small part is related to Barki Barak district, which previously irrigated by five canals: Karamtian, Dastgir, Haroon, Bakhshabad and Nat, also focused on calculation of groundwater extraction. This research is qualitative and quantitative research and primary and secondary data are used. For the preparation of primary data, survey, observation, and interview methods were used and for the preparation of secondary data, books, international articles, authoritative global reports and international sites were used. GIS is used for mapping and Excel programs are used to analyze statistics and figures. Recently, after analyzing data, it was found that a 4-inch well extracts 1.8 liters of water per second, and a 5-inch well extracts 2.8 liters of water per second. After researching, it was found that 471829.05 cubic meters of water extracted to irrigate 5,610 acres of land for one crop season every year through 4 and 5-inch wells in this area of Logar province. It should be noted that the lack of sufficient and reliable data and the lack of cooperation of the local people to collect data were among the major problems in conducting this research. At the end of the article, the problems and damages caused to Logar water resources due to climate change have been evaluated and suggestions have been made to use appropriate management opportunities to realize the green revolution.
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- Brekke, L. D. (2009). Climate change and water resources management: A federal perspective. Diane Publishing.
- Thumas, Vincent (2016), Climate Chenge in Afghanistan: Perspectives and opportunities, Published, Heinrich boell foundation-Afghanistan, 2016. 15:NEPA 2016 A.D, Afghanistan climate change strategy and Action plan.
- احمدي، میرهارون .1396. جغرافیایي طبیعي افغانستان، کابل انتشارات اتامي. کابل، افغانستان.
- حیران، م. هـ. 1398. د لوګر سیند پر حوزې د اقلیمي بدلون اغېزې – څیړنه. د کابل پوهنتون نشرات. کابل، افغانستان.
- صافی، ع. غ او رښتین. 1402. د هلمند په اوبیزه حوزه کې د سطحي اوبو ارزونه. د کابل پوهنتون د طبیعي علومو علمي – څیړنیزه مجله، کابل پوهنتون نشرات، کابل، افغانستان.
Akhundzadah, N. A., Soltani, S., & Aich, V. (2020). Impacts of climate change on the water resources of the Kunduz River Basin, Afghanistan. Climate, 8(10), 102.
Stakhiv, E. Z. (1998). Policy implications of climate change impacts on water resources management. Water Policy, 1(2), 159-175.
Bromand, M. T. (2015). Impact assessment of climate change on water resources in the Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan (Doctoral dissertation, Ritsumeikan University).
Change, C. (2007). IPCC Fourth assessment report. The physical Science Basis, 2, 580-595.
IPCC, 2013. Climate Change, The Physical Science Basis, Working Group I Contribution to theFifth Assessment Report of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
IPCC, 2014. Climate Change Synthesis Report. Ailable at:
Nasimi, M. N., Sagin, J., & Wijesekera, N. T. S. (2020). Climate and
Water Resources Variation in Afghanistan and the Need for Urgent Adaptation Measures. Int. J. Food Sci. Agric, 4, 49-64.
Luo, M., Liu, T., Meng, F., Duan, Y., Bao, A., Xing, W., ...& Frankl, A. (2019). Identifying climate change impacts on water resources in Xinjiang, China. Science of the Total Environment, 676, 613-626.
Hagemann, S., Chen, C., Clark, D. B., Folwell, S., Gosling, S. N.,Haddeland, I., ... & Wiltshire, A. J. (2013). Climate change impact on available water resources obtained using multiple global climate and hydrology models. Earth System Dynamics, 4(1), 129-144
Mahaqi, A., Mehiqi, M., Rahimzadeh, M., Hosseinzadeh, J., Moheghi, M. M., & Moheghy, M. A. (2021). Dominant geochemical reactions and hazardous metal contamination status in the Kabul’s aquifers, Afghanistan. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 18(12), 4043-4052.
Charlton, M. B., & Arnell, N. W. (2011). Adapting to climate change impacts on water resources in England—an assessment of draft water resources management plans. Global Environmental Change, 21(1), 238-248.
Sivakumar, B. (2011). Global climate change and its impacts on water resources planning and management: assessment and challenges. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25(4), 583-600.
Arnell, N. W. (1999). Climate change and global water resources. Global environmental change, 9, S31- : S49.
Wilby, R. L., Whitehead, P. G., Wade, A. J., Butterfield, D., Davis, R. J., & Watts, G. (2006). Integrated modelling of climate change impacts on water resources and quality in a lowland catchment: River Kennet, UK. Journal of hydrology, 330(1-2), 204-220.
Brekke, L. D. (2009). Climate change and water resources management: A federal perspective. Diane Publishing.
Thumas, Vincent (2016), Climate Chenge in Afghanistan: Perspectives and opportunities, Published, Heinrich boell foundation-Afghanistan, 2016. 15:NEPA 2016 A.D, Afghanistan climate change strategy and Action plan.
احمدي، میرهارون .1396. جغرافیایي طبیعي افغانستان، کابل انتشارات اتامي. کابل، افغانستان.
حیران، م. هـ. 1398. د لوګر سیند پر حوزې د اقلیمي بدلون اغېزې – څیړنه. د کابل پوهنتون نشرات. کابل، افغانستان.
صافی، ع. غ او رښتین. 1402. د هلمند په اوبیزه حوزه کې د سطحي اوبو ارزونه. د کابل پوهنتون د طبیعي علومو علمي – څیړنیزه مجله، کابل پوهنتون نشرات، کابل، افغانستان.